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[SOLVED]I can deploy applications to users collection but the same deployment don't show in software center when deploy to a device collection. Have you seen this behaviour?

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UPDATE 20 JUNE 2021 

The server restored because I wouldn't fix it.



I can deploy applications to users collection but the same deployment don't show in software center when deploy to a device collection. Have you seen this behaviour?



1 - sccm upgraded from 1903 to 2010 with no issue

2 - I completed several test successful, created, distributed, deployed and installed applications and windows updates device's collections

3-  I completed several test successful, created, distributed, deployed and installed applications to user's device's collections

3 - All the components status are green

4 - no major errors in log files for the distribution of packages to DP or error on MP logs files


the issue started after a colleague moved 20 GB of Filesys folders to another drive to clear a disk space issue. We moved back the folders one week later but the problem continues.

Someone advised me to redistribute all applications to all DP . I am working on a powershell to distribute all applications.


The only issue we have is any application deployed to a device collection (new or existing applications) don't show in the Software Center application list.

During my troubler shooting steps (changed the account for MP) and fixed the issue for one day but the next day the issue continue. 


I can't find any errors on logs a have reviewed trying to fix this issue.


We are going to restore the VM sever but I am hoping I can fix it before the restore.


thank you in advance.



Edited by josecastillo2021
adding information

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