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problem to run PS script as application

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I have a problem running PS scripts packaged as applications. If I run the script once, then everything is OK and the script will run. If I run the same script as an application, I see an error in Deployment Monitoring:
Google Chrome Uninstallation test, PS100014, Test collection, Required, Chrome Uninstallation, Failed to locate content, No additional information, 0x87D0032A (-2016410838), The uninstall command line is invalid, WIN10TEST, 14,18.06.2021 12: 19, Error, MSI, No, (SYSTEM), Yes, No, Yes,
. There is no information in the script.log on the clients computers about running the script.

if($AppInfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -Filter "Name Like 'Google Chrome'"){
    # this is used when teh enterprise version is installed and works for both 32 and 64 bit hrome

I have set the PowerShell execution policy: Bypass in the client settings.
In the application I have set in the Installation program: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -nologo -file Google_Chrome_v6.ps1.


I can see this in AppDiscovery.log  on clients:

AppProvider::GetHandlerInfo the action "UninstallAction" object couldn't be found

AppProvider::GetHandlerInfo failed.  Error 0x87d0032a

GetContentInfo failed with error 0x87d0032a

Method GetContentInfo failed with error 87D0032A

CAppProvider::ExecMethodAsync failed. Error 87d0032a











Edited by sajeret

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