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forest with subdomain - AD system browser

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Hi all,


Hi have installed a SCCM server in a domain which has a single forest with multiple subdomains, lets call them TOP and the subdomaing SUB.TOP.


I installed the server in de domain SUB.TOP.

When I configure the "Active Directory System Discovery" and I use the "Custom LDAP or GC query" option and click the browse button, then i'm browsing the TOP domain. I'd like to be able to browse the SUB.TOP domain, is this possible? Or did I do something wrong in the implementation phase? (if y type the ldapquery "ldap://DC.SUB.TOP/OU=//computers" myself it discovers the clients, but I can't browse the SUB.TOP)


Please, can someone explain?

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I assume thats a design choice, i once wondered that also, however the fact it allows the custom queries to be compiled anyway makes me think it is a MS faux pas.


Having said that i think its a good idea as in our org, we don't need or want out .TOP engineers working outside of their role. We have SUB.TOP and SUB2.TOP engineers to maintain those lower level systems, and the .TOP engineers to only maintain the reporting/central site.

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