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Free report: Managing risks and costs at the edge

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New research shows 50% of endpoints are at risk

600 CISOS, IT SecOps Directors, and Managers report that almost half of devices are vulnerable to attack because they are undetected by IT or have outdated operating systems.

Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of devices at the edge need to work securely no matter where they are. But three significant factors are standing in the way:

  1. Device proliferation: 61% of respondents say distribution points have increased in the past 2 years and only 33% are confident they can reduce that sprawl.
  2. An expanding threat landscape: Only 39% of respondents believe their organizations are effective at preventing and detecting endpoint attacks.
  3. Rapid decentralization: 57% of IT professionals say that a remote workforce has made it difficult to deliver necessary security updates and patches to endpoints.

So why is it that despite the average $4.3 million IT budget dedicated to endpoint protection ($31.50/endpoint) do only 34% of organizations have enough resources to minimize endpoint risk? The speed and scalability of their endpoint management solutions have everything to do with it.

Get over 50 pages of peer insights in this year's Managing Risks and Costs at the Edge report from Ponemon Institute and Adaptiva.


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