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The deployment system cannot be started using PXE

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Dear all

A problem was encountered, MECM2203 deployment completed. However, it cannot boot from PXE.

As shown in the figure below. I only publish a boot image for the X64.Starting the mirroring status was successful

I checked the smspxe.log log file. Follow this error log for a Google fix. But there is no effective solution to this problem



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unfortunately I cannot read Chinese so your screenshot does not help,

when I look at your smspxe log, the unknown device is not seeing any deployment according to this, so please double check that you've deployed a task sequence (as available) to All Unknown Computers


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I'm sorry

I can confirm that. My deployment is to select unknown device deployment.

I've created a new quest series. It's magically done

The PXE is ready to boote . Sequence of tasks I created, they're all displayed

I want to know why this problem arises

Avoid other people deploying this problem


This task sequence has successfully deployed one device


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after you deploy that one device it will no longer be unknown, as it is now a known computer, so if you pxe boot that same computer it won't 'see' the task sequence, you'd have to add this computer to a collection where the task sequence is deployed to,

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