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I'm hoping this is an easy question for those who've used SCCM/MECM for a while, but doing Internet searches is proving not to be successful. All I'm looking to do is deploy a "custom" SCCM Client I created specifically for my server farm. Sure, I can simply rt-click the new Client Settings object I created and select to Deploy and choose a Collection. That's easy enough. But, I want to further customize this Client deployment. I think I need to create either a package or application so I can add ccmsetup.exe command-line parameters, specifically the /ExcludeFeatures:ClientUI parameter so Software Center doesn't get deployed with the Client on my Servers. I also need the ccmsetup.exe to install this new Server Client Settings client object & not the default one. I don't know how to do that. I was hoping there was a way to 'download' this new 'Server Client Settings' client object I created, but can't seem to find an option/button to do so. Is there some way to deply this specific Server Client Settings object, NOT the 'Default Client', to my servers and add the parameter I want? I could create a package or App and modify the 'program' field with the parameter(s) I want & deploy it that way, but again, I don't know how to 'package' the ccmsetup.exe to point to this specific Server Client I created. Thanks for any help you all can provide.

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as these are servers you could create a network logon script targeted only to the servers to do exactly what you want, install your 'custom' package, have you tried that ?

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Hey there @anyweb. no sir. I guess my main question or confusion is how to install my custom client. I haven't seen any documentation (via Microsoft SCCM official docs, or otherwhere else) on how to target installing a 'custom client' instead of the 'default' client. Heck, when you go to select to install the Client on an individual device, there isn't even an optoin to select which "client" (Default or any user-created/Custom ones) to install. So I assume it always installs the 'Default' Client. You'd think it'd be a bit more intuitive within SCCM to do so....you'd think ;)  Thoughts?

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Hey @anyweb...maybe I'm not accurate in how I assumed this whole Client install thing works. I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, you just install the SCCM Client as a flat install. Then, you push the Policy, or Client Settings, you want...out to the devices. Is that accurate? And, if there are no other 'custom' settings confgured, what is in the Default Client Settings automatically gets assigned to the device?

If that is the case, which I'm leaning towards thinking it is, then however I deploy the Client is irrelevant. Well, aside from wanting to add the /ExcludeFeatures:ClientUI parameter. Then, after Client install, I just push whatever Custom Client Settings I have configured, out to whatever devices (Collections) I want, correct?

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