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Hi Community, 

I need clarity. I am working with Function App for the first time and one thing I can not figure out and the tutorials and things i'm reading, there should be a 'Function' under the Function section of the Function Apps.  That was a bit confusing typing it out.  

Screenshot to hope clearify what i'm trying to say.  

What i'm seeing:


What I should be seeing?? 


I believe this is the big piece I am possibly missing for my trigger.  


Thank you in advance! 

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Okay, bringing this back. I believe I've identified the issue, but not the solution. 

1. When I publish or deploy the HTTP Trigger from Visual Studio, it doesn't display in Azure and does not give any options for 'Create' 

2. In Azure, when I create a Function inusing the .NET language, the HTTP trigger saves and displays as expected without any problem.

3. However, when I create a Function using Python, I encounter an error when trying to create the HTTP Trigger. It either errors out immediately, or it appears to complete successfully, allowing me to test my code, but then the function I created disappears, prompting me to create it again.

Is this a bug? 

Below is a screenshot when I deploy from Visual Studio and second screenshot is the error of what I get when I try to create the function with Pyhon.  

I am some what losing my hair over this as I feel should be straight forward, but still needs some mentor guidance.  

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.36.33 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.34.09 PM.png

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func azure functionapp publish FunctionAppLAPS
Getting site publishing info...
[2024-06-09T17:22:42.822Z] Starting the function app deployment...
Creating archive for current directory...
Performing remote build for functions project.
Deleting the old .python_packages directory
Uploading 26.57 MB [##############################################################################]
Remote build in progress, please wait...
Updating submodules.
Preparing deployment for commit id '68f58449-7'.
PreDeployment: context.CleanOutputPath False
PreDeployment: context.OutputPath /home/site/wwwroot
Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
Running oryx build...
Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform python --platform-version 3.11 -p packagedir=.python_packages/lib/site-packages
Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx
You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues

Oryx Version: 0.2.20230210.1, Commit: a49c8f6b8abbe95b4356552c4c884dea7fd0d86e, ReleaseTagName: 20230210.1

Build Operation ID: 3e5d600ad20f1198
Repository Commit : 68f58449-747b-4eaa-8186-f1dc9ef4acac
OS Type           : bullseye
Image Type        : githubactions

Detecting platforms...
Detected following platforms:
  python: 3.11.8
Version '3.11.8' of platform 'python' is not installed. Generating script to install it...

Source directory     : /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
Destination directory: /home/site/wwwroot

Downloading and extracting 'python' version '3.11.8' to '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.11.8'...
Detected image debian flavor: bullseye.
Downloaded in 1 sec(s).
Verifying checksum...
Extracting contents...
performing sha512 checksum for: python...
Done in 5 sec(s).

image detector file exists, platform is python..
OS detector file exists, OS is bullseye..
Python Version: /tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.11.8/bin/python3.11
Creating directory for command manifest file if it does not exist
Removing existing manifest file

Running pip install...
Done in 5 sec(s).
[17:23:02+0000] Collecting azure-functions==1.7.0
[17:23:02+0000]   Downloading azure_functions-1.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (135 kB)
[17:23:02+0000] Collecting azure-identity==1.16.0
[17:23:02+0000]   Downloading azure_identity-1.16.0-py3-none-any.whl (166 kB)
[17:23:02+0000] Collecting requests==2.25.1
[17:23:02+0000]   Downloading requests-2.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
[17:23:02+0000] Collecting msal>=1.24.0
[17:23:02+0000]   Downloading msal-1.28.0-py3-none-any.whl (102 kB)
[17:23:02+0000] Collecting azure-core>=1.23.0
[17:23:02+0000]   Downloading azure_core-1.30.2-py3-none-any.whl (194 kB)
[17:23:02+0000] Collecting msal-extensions>=0.3.0
[17:23:02+0000]   Downloading msal_extensions-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting cryptography>=2.5
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading cryptography-42.0.8-cp39-abi3-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl (3.9 MB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading urllib3-1.26.18-py2.py3-none-any.whl (143 kB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting chardet<5,>=3.0.2
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading chardet-4.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (178 kB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading certifi-2024.6.2-py3-none-any.whl (164 kB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting idna<3,>=2.5
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading idna-2.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting typing-extensions>=4.6.0
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading typing_extensions-4.12.2-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB)
[17:23:03+0000] Collecting six>=1.11.0
[17:23:03+0000]   Downloading six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
[17:23:04+0000] Collecting cffi>=1.12
[17:23:04+0000]   Downloading cffi-1.16.0-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (464 kB)
[17:23:04+0000] Collecting pycparser
[17:23:04+0000]   Downloading pycparser-2.22-py3-none-any.whl (117 kB)
[17:23:04+0000] Collecting PyJWT[crypto]<3,>=1.0.0
[17:23:04+0000]   Downloading PyJWT-2.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (22 kB)
[17:23:04+0000] Collecting portalocker<3,>=1.0
[17:23:04+0000]   Downloading portalocker-2.8.2-py3-none-any.whl (17 kB)
[17:23:04+0000] Collecting packaging
[17:23:04+0000]   Downloading packaging-24.0-py3-none-any.whl (53 kB)
[17:23:04+0000] Installing collected packages: pycparser, cffi, urllib3, PyJWT, idna, cryptography, chardet, certifi, requests, typing-extensions, six, portalocker, packaging, msal, msal-extensions, azure-core, azure-identity, azure-functions
[17:23:06+0000] Successfully installed PyJWT-2.8.0 azure-core-1.30.2 azure-functions-1.7.0 azure-identity-1.16.0 certifi-2024.6.2 cffi-1.16.0 chardet-4.0.0 cryptography-42.0.8 idna-2.10 msal-1.28.0 msal-extensions-1.1.0 packaging-24.0 portalocker-2.8.2 pycparser-2.22 requests-2.25.1 six-1.16.0 typing-extensions-4.12.2 urllib3-1.26.18
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.4; however, version 24.0 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.11.8/bin/python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Not a vso image, so not writing build commands
Preparing output...

Copying files to destination directory '/home/site/wwwroot'...
Done in 1 sec(s).

Removing existing manifest file
Creating a manifest file...
Manifest file created.
Copying .ostype to manifest output directory.

Done in 11 sec(s).
Running post deployment command(s)...

Generating summary of Oryx build
Deployment Log file does not exist in /tmp/oryx-build.log
The logfile at /tmp/oryx-build.log is empty. Unable to fetch the summary of build
Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled).
Linux Consumption plan has a 1.5 GB memory limit on a remote build container.
To check our service limit, please visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-scale#service-limits
Writing the artifacts to a squashfs file
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs, block size 131072.

[=============================================================\] 4996/4996 100%

Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
        compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments,
        compressed xattrs, compressed ids
        duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 30315.97 Kbytes (29.61 Mbytes)
        33.41% of uncompressed filesystem size (90750.70 Kbytes)
Inode table size 51084 bytes (49.89 Kbytes)
        29.46% of uncompressed inode table size (173392 bytes)
Directory table size 52555 bytes (51.32 Kbytes)
        36.62% of uncompressed directory table size (143506 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 778
Number of inodes 5372
Number of files 4776
Number of fragments 412
Number of symbolic links  0
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 596
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
Number of uids 1
        root (0)
Number of gids 1
        root (0)
Creating placeholder blob for linux consumption function app...
SCM_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE placeholder blob scm-latest-FunctionAppLAPS.zip located
Uploading built content /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs for linux consumption function app...
Resetting all workers for functionapplaps.azurewebsites.net
Deployment successful. deployer = Push-Deployer deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
Remote build succeeded!
[2024-06-09T17:23:32.152Z] Syncing triggers...
Functions in FunctionAppLAPS:

Just in case any one asks... it does show the push was successful.  Unless I am missing something.  

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