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specialFolders, the registry ACCESS DENIED


Hello Everyone.


I am working on deploying windows 7 using SCCM2007R2. During my deployment I need to add several shortcuts to the special folder ALLUSERSDESKTOP and i also need to write to the runonce registry key. This has failed time and time again for me. When i finally checked the logs and manually running the script on a freshly imaged machine. I was getting an access denied error.


I was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand with getting this task completed. Is it possible to write to these locations during OSD? I am trying to accomplish this using VBscripts.


Thank you in advance for taking a look.

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You should be trying to put the files in the C:\Users\Public\Desktop folder. If that doesn't help, can you share some of your script code so we can see what it's doing? And have you created a package from your script, and are running it as you would a normal piece of software in your task sequence?


Here's a VBScript code snippet that shows how to snag the location of the folder and set it as a variable.

strAllUsersDesktopPath = objWshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Common Desktop")


And here's another VBScript snippet to show you how you can create shortcuts on-the-fly:

Set strShortcutItem = objWshShell.CreateShortcut(strAllUsersDesktopPath & "\MyShortcut.lnk")

strShortcutItem.TargetPath = """" & strProgramFiles & "\Folder1\Program.exe"""

strShortcutItem.WorkingDirectory = strProgramFiles & "\Folder1"

strShortcutItem.Description = "A comment about my shortcut."


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