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how can I DEPLOY an image captured using WDS ?


Note: this article assumes that you have previously captured an image using WDS as outlined in the following post: how can I capture an Image using WDS


Part 1 - add boot.wim to WDS



Step 1. Get your Windows Vista DVD ready.


Step 2. Insert the DVD and start WDS (windows deployment services) gui.


Step 3. In the Left Pane of WDS, select boot images


Step 4. In the Right Pane, right click the mouse and choose 'Add Boot Image'.




Step 5. In the Add Image Wizard, click the Browse button and browse to the Sources folder on your Vista DVD that you inserted in Step 2.



Step 6. Highlight the file called boot.wim and click Open, once done Click Next




Step 7. In the next window, set the Image name from "Microsoft Windows Longhorn Setup (x86)" to 'Windows Vista/XP WDS deploy'


Step 8. Change the image description to 'Deploy Windows using WDS from windows-noob.com'




Step 9. Click next to review the settings, and next again to proceed.




Step 10. After the file copying is complete click on Finish.


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It worked!!! Got the volume license xp sp3 cd and an actual vista cd to get the boot.wim file from and the boot.wim file from the oem version was actually different when i looked at it in imagex!!


Now i need to learn how to create an answer file so they dont have to join the domain and all that jazz after imaging.

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Hello Any and All,



I have a problem, and I hope someone can explain how this can happen.


My WDS server has been working for almost half a year now, made tens of different images (Custom xp's, vista's, win7, 2K3&2K8 servers, ...), deployed much more. Works like a charm!


Untill yesterday .... Captured a laptop XP image, and all of a sudden the WDS service stopped ... and no way to start it anymore.

This is the exact same problem that I had with SCCM. Problem with SCCM is that when this wds stopped, I had to do a lot of stuff (take server out of domain, uninstall stuff, install stuff again, put back in domain, restart a few times ... iow no good for a server) EVERY time I captured an image. So I choose for a simpel solution: 1 win2K8 server with ONLY DHCP and WDS server.


In the mean time, I've uninstalled ALL roles & services, but WDS is not starting anymore... The only thing left is to re-install the whole server, but that can't be right, no?

I've also updated the server, but to no avail ... I dunno what more I can do.


Hereby attached, the errors. I really hope that someone can help me figure this out!! Thanks in advance...


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if you remove the wds server, delete the remoteinstall folder (or move it somewhere) and empty c:\windows\temp\wds... and reinstall wds does it work then ?

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if you remove the wds server, delete the remoteinstall folder (or move it somewhere) and empty c:\windows\temp\wds... and reinstall wds does it work then ?


Hello Anyweb,


Sorry for the late reply, a little holyday ...


I did what you suggested, but it doesn't work .... By the way, I didn't find anything in c:\windows\temp concerning WDS ...


So I get the same error, ID 257, error info: 0xc1030104. Keywords: Classic.


I'm seriously thinking about re-formatting the server; but on the other hand, after all the troubles I've had with SCCM (the WDS part) and the WDS server now, would it still be worth the work? Maybe I'll search for another solution ... BUT I still want to try and fix this problem and get my WDS to work again ...


Many thanks again!

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what OS is your wds server running on ?


Hello Anyweb and thanks for your time!


The OS the server is running is Windows 2008 standard SP2 - 32bit (fully updated)


Roles installed: DHCP and WDS

Role services installed: Deployment server and Transport server


WDS service startup type: Manual.

I changed in automatic, automatic (delayed), ... same result


Error ID's : 257-258-513.

513 says:"An error occured while trying to initialize provider WdsImgSrv from c:\windows\system32\WdsImgSrv.dll. Windows deployment server will be shut down...


And like I said, it just stopped all of a sudden (after a capture), and no way to restart it ...


Thanks again!

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Hello Anyweb,


I might have found something (no, it's not working yet ...)


I found the first error in the WDS-log, so after the capture of the laptop when WDS didn't want to start up anymore:


1. Error 1811 BINLSVC - an error occurred while checking for existence or creation of Service Control Point for BINLSVC Provider

2. Error 261 WDSXPE

3. Error 265 WDSXPE

4. Error 513 WDSSERVER


Before these entries, everything worked just fine. I had some errors and an occasional warning prior to these ones, but the WDS worked ...


Error 266 WdsImgSrv - An error occurred while refreshing settings (Error info: 0x3A)

Warning 1291 BINLSVC - An image in the WIM file D:\remoteInstall\..... does not have a System Root defined. The WDS server wil use \\windows as the default ...


Especially the 1811 error troubles me, I haven't got a clue why this problem occurred all of a sudden ... and very little info about this on the net (could be that I'm not looking in the right place ...)


I hope this info can help resolve this really annoying problem.



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You are not going to believe this ...... Just now I tried to start the WDS, and it runs again .....


The last thing I did what you asked me to do the 17th, nothing else but checking the logs ...


I am sorry that I can't give you guys the solution (other than retry to start it after a few days)!!


Anyway, thank you very much for your time Anyweb, and a happy new year to yall!!!

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I have been following your guides on how to create a image of a klient computer, I made a capture of a windows 7 system.I am use a windows 2003 R2 Server with WDS. When I try to deploy a image I cant find the one I captured. And if I try any other images it will not boot because of missing PE drivers, how do i implement third party network drivers to a image? Could I use an answer file, if so where do i place the drivers? :)


On advance thanks for your help





Never mind, figured it out :)

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I've followed your guide, but I have a few problems.


1. When adding the original boot image (boot.wim) it adds the file with no problems. When I create the capture image from it, it creates a capture file as per usual. Where it get's interesting is when I add the capture file to WDS. It creates a duplicate file and appends it with -(2).wim. Now I have 2 identical image files but only one is used.


2. When I try to boot from the Deployment file, it actually loads the windows-capture.wim file instead. It should, in theory, be loading the boot.wim file right?


I can't seem to find a way to avoid duplicate files and now I can't get the deployment file to boot. Is this setting somewhere in the bcd file?



I'm using Server 2k3 SP2 with WAIK 6.1 x86 installed.

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