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how can I DEPLOY an image captured using WDS ?


Note: this article assumes that you have previously captured an image using WDS as outlined in the following post: how can I capture an Image using WDS


Part 1 - add boot.wim to WDS



Step 1. Get your Windows Vista DVD ready.


Step 2. Insert the DVD and start WDS (windows deployment services) gui.


Step 3. In the Left Pane of WDS, select boot images


Step 4. In the Right Pane, right click the mouse and choose 'Add Boot Image'.




Step 5. In the Add Image Wizard, click the Browse button and browse to the Sources folder on your Vista DVD that you inserted in Step 2.



Step 6. Highlight the file called boot.wim and click Open, once done Click Next




Step 7. In the next window, set the Image name from "Microsoft Windows Longhorn Setup (x86)" to 'Windows Vista/XP WDS deploy'


Step 8. Change the image description to 'Deploy Windows using WDS from windows-noob.com'




Step 9. Click next to review the settings, and next again to proceed.




Step 10. After the file copying is complete click on Finish.


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Part 2. Add a captured image to WDS


Step 1. Open WDS and on the left pane select Install Images.


Step 2. Select Captured Images below this and in the right pane, right-click and select Add Install Image


Step 3. Choose browse, and browse to the folder that contains the image you captured previously usually found in RemoteInstall\Images\captured images if you followed the previous guide. Highlight the wim file and choose open.


Step 4. Click next to see the list of available captured images, select the one(s) you want to add and click next. Review the choices you made and click next again. After a few moments you'll be told the selected images were added to the server, click Finish to end the wizard. The captued image will now be listed in the WDS Install images/captured images pane on the right hand side (see screenshot).


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Part 3 - PXE boot to the WDS server


Step 1. Make sure the Network card is set to 'on w/PXE' in your bios and that you control the boot order so that it boots to PXE before anything else


Step 2. When you get the Windows Boot Manager screen after PXE booting to the WDS server, select the 'Windows Vista Setup-Deploy' option (may be labelled differently, but this label was defined in Part 1, step 7 of this post)


Step 3. After Windows PE boots you'll be presented with a Install Windows wizard, select your chosen Locale and Keyboard or input method and click next.


Step 4. When prompted enter your domain username and password, enter them and click ok to continue.


eg: Username= ris2\administrator

Password= xxxxxxxxxx


Step 5. Select the operating system you want to install from the ones in the list, in this example it is Windows Vista Ultimate Capture en-US X86. Click Next to continue.


Step 6. Where do you want to install windows? highlight the drive/partition and click next to continue or click advanced drive options if you want to format the drive, and then click on format and ok (otherwise the previous Windows installation will be renamed to Windows.old).


Step 7. Click next to continue, Windows setup will start the installation process (copying files, expanding files, installing features, installing updates, completing installation).


Congratulations, you have now successfully deployed a previously captured image using WDS.


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  anyweb said:
Part 3 - PXE boot to the WDS server


Step 1. .... Step 5. All good!


Step 5. Select the operating system you want to install from the ones in the list, in this example it is Windows Vista Ultimate Capture en-US X86. Click Next to continue.



WDS responds with a "Windows could not display the images available for installation." and bombs! The account I am using is the domain administrator account so I don't believe that it is a privileges issue. The wim security is Auth Users read/execute.


I have imaged an x64 Dell Dual core XPSP3 the image records as an x86! I have created x64 and x86 capture images and have not encountered any issues with the capture I am simply not able to deploy an image. I turned on Tracing but this didn't tell me a whole lot.


I have a sysprep configuration along with oem drivers in the same location and name as the .wim. The server is 2K3 SP2 and the wim is 15Gb the capture images are 6.0.6000 and 6.0.6001 and I get the same result with the WINPE boot/capture. All images have been created via the mmc.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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what dell model are you having problems with ? and does it have the latest bios version ?


did you use the MSDN windows vista DVD or some other Windows Vista DVD ?


please post this info along with the original problem in a new thread, i'm closing this topic as it's getting confusing to others ;)




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Is it necessary to create a new boot image everytime you want to capture or deploy a new image? I haven't started following the instructions from this post yet, but was able to complete all the steps from your Image Capture post successfully and already have a boot image that was created for the capture.

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