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Reroute Folders


I am looking for a way to reroute all the folders(random and unknown) collected at the scanstate stage on each computer, and then have them all go back to a folder such as Migrated rather than the locations they were collected from. I have seen the question asked a number of times whilst searching for clues/answers to the problem but nobody ever seems to answer the question.



I have been experimenting with folder re-routing in general but this has also been giving me some problems.

I have used my own custom.xml file and this has also been causing problems, my folder is being rerouted, but additionally, being put back in its original location.


I am trying to go from XP to Windows 7 using USMT 4


scanstate \\filserver\migrationStore\comp1 /i:migapp.xml /i:migdocs.xml /i:custom.xml /config:config.xml /v:13 /nocompress /l:scanLogInfo.log


migapp.xml, migdocs.xml remain unchaged. I am assuming that migdocs is putting my folder back in the original location, ignoring custom.xml


Here is the custom.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<migration urlid="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/custom">

<component type="Documents" context="System">

<displayName>All System Files moved to a single folder</displayName>

<role role="Data">




<script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\EngineeringDrafts\* [*]", "Fixed")</script>



<!-- Migrates all the files in the store to the C:\Moved folder during LoadState -->

<locationModify script="MigXmlHelper.Move('C:\Moved')">


<script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\EngineeringDrafts\* [*]", "Fixed")</script>









The first problem is the main issue. But if anyone understands why it moves my folder, and, puts it back in the same place I would love to hear.


Thanks in advance

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