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Custom Computer Name


I'm trying to set a custom computer name and I'm almost there. Just need a little help.


First, I'm using OSD++ to pop up a Window after the disk partition.




I'm using OSD++ During my initial task sequence.




When I take a look at the log file created when using OSD.exe I see the infomation below.




What I'm trying to get is the Computer Name to look like this. MNEP-CND0230TL2 Or, Variable Locationalt1 + SN (when looking at the osd log)


So How can I add the Locationalt1 + SN Variable into a new variable called say ComputerName and assign that into the SCCM ts variable OSDCOMPUTERNAME


Here is my OSD ConfigFile:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<GetReg hive="HKLM" key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" value="CurrentVersion" varname="CurrentVersion" />

<GetWmi namespace="root\cimv2" class="Win32_ComputerSystem" property="model" varname="csmodel" />

<GetWmi namespace="root\cimv2" class="Win32_BIOS" property="SerialNumber" varname="SN" />

<GetUser title="Computer Name Selection" subtitle="Please Select Your Build Location" icon="74">

<Listbox prompt="Location" icon="45" varname="Location">

<Option alt1="MNEP-">Minnesota Eden Prairie</Option>

<Option alt1="MNWB-">Minnesota Woodbury</Option>



<PutTSVar varname="ComputerName" tsvar="OSDComputerName"/>






I'm going to add about 20 locations, and we build machines at one primary location and ship them out, and want to have the location prefix for each location + the SN as the name.


Am I on the right track?


I just built a machine and used <PutTSVar varname="SN" tsvar="OSDComputerName"/> And it still came up as minint, instead of the serial number, but I think that's because my OSD section was in the wrong place. I'm testing it again. OSD does pop up though during the task sequence.


Any help would be greatly appreicated.



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This may be obsolete for the topic starter, but I ran into the same question and thought i could contribute.


  • To get value from a variable, type it with % around.
  • Listbox options are fetched by adding the Option alt appended to the variable.
  • This worked for me with Windows 7 install.
  • I put a empty "Create Task Sequence Variable" for OSDComputerName before



So in you case the XML would look like this (with some cleanup):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<GetWmi namespace="root\cimv2" class="Win32_BIOS" property="SerialNumber" varname="SN" />


<GetUser title="Computer Name Selection" subtitle="Please Select Your Build Location" icon="74">

<Listbox prompt="Location" icon="45" varname="Location">

<Option alt1="MNEP-%SN%">Minnesota Eden Prairie</Option>

<Option alt1="MNWB-%SN%">Minnesota Woodbury</Option>




<PutTSVar varname="Locationalt1" tsvar="OSDComputerName"/>




I put this between "Partition Disk" and "Apply Operating System" in my Task Sequence.



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What is in the Merge Computer Name?



Hello, its mainly just a script for making sure the computername is 14 chars... Might be redundant to use, but we had it since before using OSD++.


Dim sNewComputerName, oTaskSequence, sOSDComputerName


' Populate Task Sequence option values

Set oTaskSequence = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")


' Fetch Task Sequence variables

sOSDComputerName = oTaskSequence("OSDComputerName")


' Truncate

sNewComputerName = lcase(left(sOSDComputerName,14))


' Send the variable to the Task Sequence

oTaskSequence("OSDComputerName") = sNewComputerName


wscript.echo "Set Task Sequence variable OSDComputerName to " & sNewComputerName

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