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Software Update state locked in "Downloading update(s)"


Hi everybody

I'm deploying windows and office updates through SCCM2007 to about 100 client.

Verifing the deployment with the report "States 1 - Enforcement states for a deployment" i see

that 5 of these are locked in state "Downloading Update(S)".


I saw the client's log but i don't find anything ...


I try to update the client with windows update successfully but the state don't change.


Can anyone help me?


Thanks a lot

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Hopefully there should be something like, failed, or error, or retrying, etc.


There is nothing in any of the log files that point to any type of errors and I am starting to get more users who call in to our helpdesk and when I remote in it is stuck at "downloading" for over a day etc.


How do I verify that the bounderies and distribution points are configured correctly on the client?





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Check the clients IP/ AD Site and compare it with your Boundaries.


The site information appears to be correct and these are Windows XP SP3 clients that I am referring to. I was not able to locate a smsts.log file on my own Windows 7 client or on the Windows XP client, so I was not able to verify the settings that anywqeb was referring to. The one thing that might be the cause is that we have probably several machines that require over 60 updates (we have not updated in quite a while), so would this cause the issue as mentioned in the link?



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I saw the exact same problem in my lab when trying to build a new reference image.


Got it to work when only applying a smal amount of patches..

Dont know if there is a problem with one/few of the patches or it just cant handle to many at the same time..

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I saw the exact same problem in my lab when trying to build a new reference image.


Got it to work when only applying a smal amount of patches..

Dont know if there is a problem with one/few of the patches or it just cant handle to many at the same time..


Thanks for the responce. I am definitely starting to think that might be the issue. We had not been able to deploy patches for a long period of time (while I was learning how to use SCCM). And most of our 300+ workstations (at our 14 sites that are pulling all of the updates from one server in one site) had over 60 patches each that were required. Some did not, so I am thinking these are the machines that wereokay and the ones that needed more than 60 are the ones suffering. I will try to release a small batch of updates from the monthly updates list that I created (I think only 4 or 5 updates) and see how that goes. The thing that I am now wondering about is how to make the large group of machines that are having the issues sort of reset and get cleaned up so that I can redeploy.



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Thanks for the responce. I am definitely starting to think that might be the issue. We had not been able to deploy patches for a long period of time (while I was learning how to use SCCM). And most of our 300+ workstations (at our 14 sites that are pulling all of the updates from one server in one site) had over 60 patches each that were required. Some did not, so I am thinking these are the machines that wereokay and the ones that needed more than 60 are the ones suffering. I will try to release a small batch of updates from the monthly updates list that I created (I think only 4 or 5 updates) and see how that goes. The thing that I am now wondering about is how to make the large group of machines that are having the issues sort of reset and get cleaned up so that I can redeploy.




Well after further review on a machine that was stuck at "downloading" I went into the ConfigMgr Site info and the config manager agent properties were all blank and the currently assigned site code was blank as well. When I hit discover it came back with "automatic site code discovery was unsuccessful". So do I have to repair this agent in order to get it to re-connect to the site? If so, what heppened to cause this?


I also tried to repair the install of the agent but it came back with an error "Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM the error code is 80040154"


So are my agents messed up due to the moving of the WSUS server?




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