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Pent up demand means Windows Phone 7 orders “exceeding expectations”, handsets sold out.

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German publication n-TV.de reports that O2 has sold out of HTC HD7’s amid strong demand for Windows Phone 7 handsets.




Sales so far are said to be in the 5-digit area, with at least 80,000 handsets rumoured, and the carrier is now waiting for further shipments of the handset.


The high demand is not just confined to the HTC HD7 either. Vodafone Germany, who will be carrying the HTC Mozart and the Samsung Omnia 7 reports pre-orders are “exceeding expectations”, and were ordering increased quantities to satisfy customers.


Even smaller carrier E-plus in Germany, who is carrying the LG Optimus 7, said the OS is receiving a “very positive response”, and is expecting to increase its stock in mid-November.


Total sales in Germany this quarter is expected to be in the six figures, according to industry sources.


Is Windows Phone 7 lining up to be an unexpected break-out success? Let us know your thoughts below.


via > http://wmpoweruser.com/pent-up-demand-means-windows-phone-7-orders-exceeding-expectations-handsets-sold-out/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+WmPowerUser+%28WM+Power+User%29&utm_content=Twitter

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