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Opalis: Interacting with Web Services (Part 1)– Making Calls and Extracting Data


Web services are all around us, and with the proliferation of Cloud computing (and the Microsoft strategy for Public and Private Cloud), use of web services will become more-and-more common over time. In this 3-part series, I am going to drill down into Opalis web services capabilities and share some tips, including:


* Making web service calls with Opalis

* Dissecting the XML Response Payload

* How to construct queries to retrieve targeted values

* Pushing the limits – What to do when ‘Invoke Web Service’ isn’t enough

In the Series


* Part 1: Making Calls and Parsing Output

* Part 2: When Invoke Web Services Isn’t Enough

* Part 3: XPath Query Primer


In this Installment


Okay, time to get started. Let’s quickly look at the topics for this article and then we’ll get down to business.


* Scenario and Sample Workflow

* Object Configuration

* Viewing the XML Response Payload

* Extracting Data of the XML Response Payload

* Presenting Results


Scenario and Sample Workflow


We’ll begin with an explanation of the Opalis policy (workflow). Here is a workflow that queries a web service (a stock quote service) to retrieve details about the stock performance of a particular company.


Objectives for this Workflow:


* Call the web service

* Pass in a stock ticker symbol to retrieve info about a target company

* Parse the XML output (the response payload) to extract specific information:

o Full Company Name

o Current Price

o Price-to-Earnings (PE) Ratio

* Present this data in a nicely formatted pop-up message


NOTE: The Custom Start object at the beginning of the workflow is there so we can run this workflow on demand from the UI or externally through command line or the Opalis web service.


read the rest here > http://www.systemcentercentral.com/blogs/administrator/archive/tags/powershell/BlogDetails/tabid/143/IndexID/83740/Default.aspx?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+systemcenterforum+%28SystemCenterForum.org+Rollup%29&utm_content=Twitter

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