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Having issues pushing IE7 through SMS 2003


I am trying to push out IE7 to our company via SMS 2003.


Here is the issues that I am running into:


I created the IE7 package using the IEAK7, which creates both a .msi file and a .exe file.


Now I can push it out through SMS 2003 and it will install IE7 like we want it, showing the install page, but it will not prompt the user to restart. If you choose that option in IEAK7 it will just restart the computer without asking the user too. Now in my package we have it to where it will show the user the install window and intall IE7 by itself and it will not restart. The problems that we run into here are if they don't restart their computer the only way IE will work is if they use the quick launch icon. If they try to open up IE with their desktop icon it just creates another shortcut on their desktop.


So what I was trying to do was create a VBS script that would install my package then pop up a message box that tells them that IE7 has been restarted and that they need to restart their computer before using IE. Here is the script:


Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WSCript.shell")

wshshell.run "IESetup.msi /qb /norestart", 6, true

set wshshell = nothing



MsgBox "Internet Explorer has just been updated to IE7. Please restart your computer before using Internet Explorer.", _

vbQuestion, _

"Spartech IT"




It works fine when you run it from the computer as a test, but as soon as you try running it through SMS 2003 it will install IE7 but will not pop up the message box.


Any ideals on what could be causing the issue or do you have a different way that you would push out IE7.

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