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Local account will not get created with sysprep answer file




I am using SCCM R2 and using it to deploy Windows 7 machines.


It has been working great so far, except just one thing. I need to create another local administrator account on my refrence image. I could have included this account by creating it before the machine gets imaged by SCCM, however I am also using the "CopyProfile" tag to copy the admin profile to the default profile on the machine and apparently you can only have ONE local account on the machine when you do this else you will have problems.


The only other way to create a local account was to have an XML answer file, and use it while deploying the image back to a machine. So I created a Task Sequence to deploy, and Under the Install Operating System -> Apply Operating System, I specify a Sysprep answer file from a package that has the following section to create the local account and add it to local administrators group.




<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">





<DisplayName>Local Admin 2</DisplayName>







But its not working, can you please tell me what am I doing wrong ?



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why not just create a run command line step called Add Local Admin


which does as follows:-


cmd /c net localgroup "Administrators" "DOMAIN\%USERNAME%" /add


you can get the %USERNAME% via a frontend HTA by prompting the user at the start of the installation, or via computer variables or other methods...

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Thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate the help you provide via this website.


Running the command will "ADD" an "Existing" domain user to the local admin group. What I was trying to accomplish here was to "Create" a local user account, add his to local admins group and set a password for the account as well.





why not just create a run command line step called Add Local Admin


which does as follows:-


cmd /c net localgroup "Administrators" "DOMAIN\%USERNAME%" /add


you can get the %USERNAME% via a frontend HTA by prompting the user at the start of the installation, or via computer variables or other methods...

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Why not use a script? You can then package it up just like you would a program, or use a task sequence to connect to your server and run it from there. Here's a snippet of VBScript code to illustrate how to make a local account:


strUsername = "JohnDoe"

strPassword = "password101"

strCheckName = ""


Set objUserAccounts = GetObject("WinNT://" & objNetwork.ComputerName & "")

Set objUser = objUserAccounts.Create("user", strUsername)

objUser.Description = "local account"

objUser.SetPassword strPassword


objUserFlags = objUser.Get("UserFlags")

objPasswordExpirationFlag = objUserFlags OR ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD

objUser.Put "userFlags", objPasswordExpirationFlag



'Setting the password to never expire"

objPasswordNoChangeFlag = objUser.UserFlags XOR ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE

objUser.Put "userFlags", objPasswordNoChangeFlag


End If

Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & objNetwork.ComputerName & "/Users,group")

If Not objGroup.IsMember(objUser.AdsPath) Then

'Making the user a member of the local ""Users"" group


End If


Set colWin32_UserAccount = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_UserAccount Where LocalAccount = True")

For Each objItem in colWin32_UserAccount

If UCase(objItem.Name) = UCase(strUserName) Then

strCheckName = "found"

End If


If strCheckName = "found" Then

'Successfully created the local user account


'Failed to create the local user account - Aborting the script


End If

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