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Configuration Manager 2007 R3 has retained a strong Leader position in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for PC Configuration Life Cycle Management (PCCLM)


Hello everyone, we are extremely pleased to announce that the most recent Gartner Magic Quadrant for PC Configuration Management Life Cycle Management Tools has recognized ConfigMgr as a Leader amongst the industries top competitors.


Configuration Manager is noticeably ahead of competitors in the Ability to Execute axis placement. In addition, Gartner quotes that “ConfigMgr appeared in Gartner client buying decisions more frequently than any other product in the market in 2010.”


The PCCLM report highlights the following strengths:


* ConfigMgr's integration with App-V is tight, which Microsoft tightened further with the R3 release of ConfigMgr. Prior versions of ConfigMgr lacked on-demand (i.e., user-initiated) App-V application delivery, because all App-V changes were a function of the ConfigMgr agent poll, which takes place on a scheduled basis (often only once a day or even less frequently). Now, the App-V client can pull App-V applications from ConfigMgr distribution points on an on-demand basis.

* Microsoft is developing tight integration with products in important companion areas — for example, System Center Service Manager and Forefront Endpoint Protection.

* ConfigMgr is a stable product. Since its introduction in August 2007, there have been few product bugs.


You can read the entire Gartner PCCLM report here.


via > http://blogs.technet.com/b/systemcenter/archive/2011/02/04/configuration-manager-2007-r3-has-retained-a-strong-leader-position-in-gartner-s-magic-quadrant-for-pc-configuration-life-cycle-management-pcclm-report.aspx

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