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Update Boot WIM in WDS


I'm new to deployment, so feel free to let me know if my setup is not a good one. Currently, I am managing Windows 7 Deployment through MDT. I would like to add the WinPE WIM that MDT creates into WDS' Boot Images, so they can boot off of the network. However, everytime I change something in the Deplyoment Share on MDT, it will create a new boot WIM. So my question is a two-parter.


1) Does the WinPE WIM change enough that I need to update it in WDS when I update it in MDT?

2) If so, is there a way to automate this process so I don't need to go into WDS and update the boot wim everytime? I have a tool that can perform a task upon a file change, so if anyone has any command line syntax for updating (or removing/adding) a boot image, that would be great.


Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

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