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How can I display my HTA


To add your HTA to your task sequence, you'll first need a boot image with HTA support. Once you have that the rest is easy.


At the beginning of your task sequence create a Run command Line step with the following in it


mshta.exe "%scriptroot%\wnb\Deploymenu.hta"


display the hta.jpg


let me explain what is happening in this step...



The mshta.exe file is like a web browser and displays our HTA (hypertext application).

you'll notice i'm using a path to our HTA which is "%scriptroot%\wnb\Deploymenu.hta" that is because I place the HTA files in a sub directory of my MDT toolkit scripts directory (MDT Toolkit scripts directory=%scriptroot%).


This is not possible without a Use Toolkit Package step shortly before this step otherwise the %scriptroot% variable won't be set, so prior to this in my Task Sequence I have a Use Toolkit Package step.


use tooolkit package.jpg


To copy your HTA file(s) to a sub directory in your MDT Toolkit package, locate the package source in ConfigMgr, find the scripts directory and create a new sub directory called My_Custom_Scripts (or whatever you want) which contains your scripts. In my example the sub directory is called wnb and I place my HTA file and all supporting scripts in there. Don't forget to Update your distribution points for your MDT Toolkit package after copying the new scripts/files.



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I have not tried it yet from the Software Center after upgrading to SP1. But i'll check this out and report back.


Just by the way. You still need this snippet (down there) of script in your HTA. The command i posted just will make sure that the HTA runs in the same context as the progress bar.


Set TSProgressUI = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TsProgressUI")

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OK, i have just checked it out and it runs without any problems. Actually the performance has improved by miles compared to RTM.


If you run it from the software center, make sure that the HTA is not hidden behind the other windows. So rather set the property to show in the task bar, or use some script to bring it to front.

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