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USMT problem


Hello, guys!

First of all:

Have been reading in this "top of the line" forum, GREAT JOB!


Now on my first post i really need some help.

I have created a task seqence and been able to get my computers to boot from it. So far so good.

Now i have started to work on a task sequece to Capture user settings.

I want to save the data on my State migration point, and it have been installed.

The task sequence is made to

1 Request SMP

2 Capture user state (USMT 4.0)

3 Release SMP

Pretty simple, and i have not intregrated it to my OS deployment TS at this point.

I advertise it to my lab computer. and then,,, nothing..:( After a while I can see that the Task seq has failed.

I have attached the SMSTSlog and i can see there are some errors. But why?

Browsing around I’ve come across some solutions (as check the boundary’s and so on) but no luck in my case!

I really hope you guys could help me out!



Regards Markus


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