When I advertise a task sequence its taking a very long time for it to appear. And its random - Sometime 10 mins sometime an hour.
I have one test PC (XP) in one collection for testing new advertisements. I have changed the polling interval to 2 minutes on the collection and I have manually run the Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation cycle but still no joy in getting them to appear straight away. This is making testing very diffcult.
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When I advertise a task sequence its taking a very long time for it to appear. And its random - Sometime 10 mins sometime an hour.
I have one test PC (XP) in one collection for testing new advertisements. I have changed the polling interval to 2 minutes on the collection and I have manually run the Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation cycle but still no joy in getting them to appear straight away. This is making testing very diffcult.
Can anyone help
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