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Latitude E6320 bad driver


Ran into this, wanted to post my findings in case it helps anyone else out. We just got in the new Dell model - Latitude E6320. It needed the NIC driver for boot image and Windows. I added that to SCCM, and the OSD task sequence worked fine for Windows 7 x64 SP1. It was missing some drivers, so I added all the missing drivers to SCCM. Then the next one failed the OSD task sequence. I got error - Exiting with code 0x80004005 Windows setup failed, code 31. I had tested all the drivers and new they were good. However, the OSD doesn't appear to like DriverVer=10/19/2010, of the Intel Management Engine Interface. I removed this driver from SCCM, and the OSD completed fine. I was then able to install that same driver in Windows without problem.



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I am having major issues with this model of laptop.


I installed Windows 7 32bit on it, from scratch using the Windows disk and installed the drivers from the Dell Disk, when Service Pack 1 was installed, the system went into startup repair mode.


Various things cause the machine to go into startup repair mode, I found an intel chipset driver, which sorted a few initial problems, the same problem started happening when I loaded the Dell wave disk encryption drivers on (not even activated)


I have tried various methods, but dont seem to be getting anywhere, or when I do and move to the next step, again the startup repair issue occurs, bootsect.exe and its various options dont repair the problem.


I have two of these systems waiting for dispatch, but every time I get them user ready, something else occurs.... help!

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Also having major problems with this, I'm using Win PE 3.0 and whatever I try it won't recognise the network driver.

Have tried any version I can get my hands on - XP/Vista/7 32bit & 64bit.

Driver works fine from Windows itself, just the P.E version.


Would gladly take any advice!

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Also having major problems with this, I'm using Win PE 3.0 and whatever I try it won't recognise the network driver.

Have tried any version I can get my hands on - XP/Vista/7 32bit & 64bit.

Driver works fine from Windows itself, just the P.E version.


Would gladly take any advice!





Ok, I finally got the E6320 to work.


I updated the chipset driver to the one on Intel support page, this alone never fixed the problem, I was constantly getting looped around startup repair.


I checked the logs for this, which were previously showing nothing, at one point, it did show up an error looking for X:\system32\drivers\iostor.sys - when I looked in that location, there was an Iiostorv.sys - so I copied and replaced into the location, and it booted, but on reboot, same problem.


There wa also an updated bios driver, which then seemed to sort the problem.


Good luck :)

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Dell has a new driver pack, "WINPE 5.0". Check it out, it contains all the drivers for it for WINPE.




When I added the XP drivers for the TS it froze on me when I used Apply Driver package. When I set it to Auto Apply Driver package it worked fine, not sure why that is case.

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