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Script to allow Helpdesk to deploy SCCM packages


I run a large SMS 2003 environment we currently in the process of moving to SCCM 2007. We have a tool that allows help desk personnel to push SMS packages to individual computers via a small .Hta script that has just a two line interface COMPUTER NAME and PACKAGE. We would like to continue using this tool in SCCM but I would like to know if there is a better tool out there that would give Help desk personnel better functionality.


Below is the .hta Script we currently use.




<script language="VBScript.Encode">

'**Start Encode**

Option Explicit


Dim strCollectionList : strCollectionList = ""

Dim strVerifiedColl : strVerifiedColl = ""

Dim strVerifiedCollId : strVerifiedCollId = ""

Dim strComputerList : strComputerList = ""

Dim strVerifiedComp : strVerifiedComp = ""

Dim strVerifiedCompId : strVerifiedCompId = ""

Dim strUserName : strUserName = ""


Dim objShell

Dim objSWbemLocator

Dim objSWbemServices



Sub subEndToolSession

If Not fncIsNothing(objShell) Then Set objShell = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objSWbemLocator) Then Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objSWbemServices) Then Set objSWbemServices = Nothing

' Window.close()


End Sub 'subEndToolSession


Sub subWindow_Onload

Window.moveTo 300,100 'x by y

Window.resizeto 250,510 'width by height

End Sub 'subWindow_Onload


<body onload=subWindow_Onload>

<script language="VBScript.Encode">

'**Start Encode**

Option Explicit


On Error Resume Next

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer("Server name","root\SMS\site_123")

If Err.Number Then

window.moveTo 250,240 'x by y

window.resizeto 530,290 'width by height

strUserName = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%")

Msgbox "This tool, SendSmsPackageToComputer.hta, is currently unable to connect to the SMS server," & _

Chr(13) & _

". As a result, this tool session will end automatically when you click the 'OK' button, below." & _

Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"The following user account currently appears to be running this tool: " & strUsername & "." & _

Chr(13) & _

"Please make sure that this account has the permissions needed to access the SMS server successfully " & _

Chr(13) & _

"or use another user account that has the permissions needed to run the tool." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"It's also possible that a temporary network or server problem is currently preventing a successful" & _

Chr(13) & _

"connection. If so, please try again later, or contact an SMS administrator for assistance " & Chr(13) & _

"after first saving a copy of this 'Severe Error' notification." _

,0,"Severe Error"



End If


Sub subSearchForCollection()

Dim strFindCollOldValue : strFindCollOldValue = ""

Dim strQuery : strQuery = ""

Dim objCollections : objCollections = ""

Dim objCollection : objCollection = ""

If inpFindColl.value <> "" Then

strFindCollOldValue = inpFindColl.value

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name LIKE '%" & inpFindColl.value & "% - tickets'"

Set objCollections = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery)

If Err.Number = 0 And (objCollections.count<>0) Then

If objCollections.count > 1 Then

strCollectionList = ""

For each objCollection in objCollections

strCollectionList = strCollectionList & " " & Replace(objCollection.name," - Tickets","") & Chr(13)


Msgbox objCollections.count & " SMS packages were found." & Chr(13) & "Please pick just one:" & _

Chr(13) & Chr(13) & strCollectionList,0,"Please Try Again"

strVerifiedColl = ""

strVerifiedCollId = ""

strCollectionList = ""


For each objCollection in objCollections

strVerifiedColl = objCollection.name

strVerifiedCollId = objCollection.collectionid

strCollectionList = Replace(objCollection.name," - Tickets","")


inpFindColl.value = strCollectionList

Msgbox "The SMS package, " & strFindCollOldValue & ", was found in the SMS database as '" & _

strCollectionList & "'.",0,"Successful SMS Package Selection"

End If


strVerifiedColl = ""

strVerifiedCollId = ""

strCollectionList = ""

Msgbox "The SMS package name, " & inpFindColl.value & ", was NOT found in the SMS database. " _

& Chr(13) & _

"Please re-enter the SMS package name." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Note: You may enter a percent sign (%) as a wildcard to see a list" & Chr(13) & _

"of all SMS packages currently available to this tool.",0,"Please Try Again"

inpFindColl.value = ""

strVerifiedColl = ""

strVerifiedCollId = ""

strCollectionList = ""


Exit Sub 'subSearchForCollection

End If

End If

If Not fncIsNothing(objCollection) Then Set objCollection = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objCollections) Then Set objCollections = Nothing

End Sub 'subSearchForCollection


Sub subSearchForComputer()

Dim strMsgbox : strMsgbox = ""

Dim intMsgbox : intMsgbox = 0

Dim strFindCompOldValue : strFindCompOldValue = ""

Dim strQuery : strQuery = ""

Dim objComputers : objComputers = ""

Dim objComputer : objComputer = ""

If inpFindComp.value <> "" Then

If (Instr(inpFindComp.value,"%")>0) Then

strUserName = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%")

strMsgbox = "Thank you, " & strUserName & "." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Note: You have included the wildcard character, '%', in the name of the computer" & Chr(13) & _

"you are verifying. This is allowed — but may require substantial processing time, if" & Chr(13) & _

"there are many matched computers in the SMS database. Please be patient." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Please click 'OK' to proceed or 'Cancel' to cancel."

intMsgbox = Msgbox (strMsgbox,1,_

"Please Confirm Sending " & strCollectionList & " to " & strComputerList & ".")

If intMsgbox=1 Then

strFindCompOldValue = inpFindComp.value

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SMS00001 WHERE NAME LIKE '%"& inpFindComp.value &"%'"

Set objComputers= objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery)

If Err.Number = 0 And (objComputers.count<>0) Then

If objComputers.count > 1 Then

strComputerList = ""

For each objComputer in objComputers

strComputerList = strComputerList & " " & objComputer.name & Chr(13)


Msgbox objComputers.count & " computers were found." & Chr(13) & "Please pick just one:" & _

Chr(13) & Chr(13) & strComputerList,0,"Please Try Again"

strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strComputerList = ""


For each objComputer in objComputers

strVerifiedComp = objComputer.name

strVerifiedCompId = objComputer.resourceid

strComputerList = objComputer.name


inpFindComp.value = strComputerList

Msgbox "The computer, " & strFindCompOldValue & ", was found in the SMS database as '" & _

strComputerList & "'.",0,"Successful Computer Selection"

End If


strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strComputerList = ""

Msgbox "The computer name, " & inpFindComp.value & ", was NOT found in the SMS database. " & Chr(13) & _

"Please re-enter the computer name." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Note: You may enter just part of a computer name to see a list" & Chr(13) & _

"of all computer names known to SMS that contain this fragment.",0,"Please Try Again"

inpFindComp.value = ""


' Exit Sub 'subSearchForComputer

End If


strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strComputerList = ""

End If


strFindCompOldValue = inpFindComp.value

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SMS00001 WHERE NAME LIKE '%"& inpFindComp.value &"%'"

Set objComputers= objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery)

If Err.Number = 0 And (objComputers.count<>0) Then

If objComputers.count > 1 Then

strComputerList = ""

For each objComputer in objComputers

strComputerList = strComputerList & " " & objComputer.name & Chr(13)


Msgbox objComputers.count & " computers were found." & Chr(13) & "Please pick just one:" & _

Chr(13) & Chr(13) & strComputerList,0,"Please Try Again"

strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strComputerList = ""


For each objComputer in objComputers

strVerifiedComp = objComputer.name

strVerifiedCompId = objComputer.resourceid

strComputerList = objComputer.name


inpFindComp.value = strComputerList

Msgbox "The computer, " & strFindCompOldValue & ", was found in the SMS database as '" & _

strComputerList & "'.",0,"Successful Computer Selection"

End If


strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strComputerList = ""

Msgbox "The computer name, " & inpFindComp.value & ", was NOT found in the SMS database. " & Chr(13) & _

"Please re-enter the computer name." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Note: You may enter just part of a computer name to see a list" & Chr(13) & _

"of all computer names known to SMS that contain this fragment.",0,"Please Try Again"

inpFindComp.value = ""

strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strComputerList = ""


End If

End If

End If

If Not fncIsNothing(objComputer) Then Set objComputer = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objComputers) Then Set objComputers = Nothing

End Sub 'subSearchForComputer


Sub subAddComputerToCollection

Dim strQuery : strQuery = ""

Dim strMsgbox : strMsgbox = ""

Dim strCollectionQuery : strCollectionQuery = ""

Dim objCollections : objCollections = ""

Dim objCollection : objCollection = ""

Dim objNewDirectRule : objNewDirectRule = ""

Dim objCollectionRule : objCollectionRule = ""

Dim intMsgbox : intMsgbox = 0

If strVerifiedColl<>"" And strVerifiedComp<>"" Then

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_CM_RES_COLL_" & strVerifiedCollId & " WHERE ResourceId = '" & _

strVerifiedCompId & "'"

Set objCollections= objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery)

If Err.Number = 0 And (objCollections.count<>0) Then

strMsgbox = "The action just proposed" & Chr(13) & _

" — to send " & strCollectionList & " to " & strComputerList & _

" — " & Chr(13) & _

"has already been scheduled using this tool." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Note: This event should occur within two hours of the computer" & Chr(13) & _

"being connected to the network. If this event has not occurred" & Chr(13) & _

"as expected, please contact an SMS administrator for assistance."

Msgbox strMsgbox,0,"No Action Taken"

Exit Sub


strUserName = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%")

strMsgbox = "Thank you, " & strUserName & "." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"Note: If you have made a mistake, please click the 'Cancel' button now," & Chr(13) & _

"instead of clicking the 'OK' button displayed with this message." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"If you decide to click 'OK' and later change your mind, please contact an SMS" & Chr(13) & _

"administrator for assistance. Do not attempt to undo this action by yourself."

intMsgbox = Msgbox (strMsgbox,1,_

"Please Confirm Sending " & strCollectionList & " to " & strComputerList & ".")

If intMsgbox=1 Then

strCollectionQuery = "SMS_Collection.CollectionID='" & strVerifiedCollId & "'"

Set objCollection = objSWbemServices.Get(strCollectionQuery)

Set objNewDirectRule = objSWbemServices.Get("SMS_CollectionRuleDirect").SpawnInstance_

objNewDirectRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"

objNewDirectRule.ResourceID = strVerifiedCompId

Set objCollectionRule = objNewDirectRule : subCheckError


On Error Resume Next


objCollection.AddMembershipRule objCollectionRule

'If Err.Number Then

If Err <> 0 Then

window.moveTo 250,240 'x by y

window.resizeto 530,290 'width by height

strUserName = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%")

Msgbox "This tool, SendSmsPackageToComputer.hta, is currently unable to perform the action just proposed" & _

Chr(13) & _

" — to send " & strCollectionList & " to " & strComputerList & _

"." & Chr(13) & _

"As a result, this tool session will end automatically when you click the 'OK' button, below." & _

Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"The following user account currently appears to be running this tool: " & strUsername & "." & _

Chr(13) & _

"Please make sure that this account has the permissions needed to perform this action successfully " & _

Chr(13) & _

"or use another user account that has the permissions needed to run the tool." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"It's also possible that a temporary network or server problem is currently preventing a successful" & _

Chr(13) & _

"connection to the SMS server, " & _

"Server name. If so, please try again later, or contact an " & Chr(13) & _

"SMS administrator for assistance after first saving a copy of this 'Severe Error' notification." _

,0,"Severe Error"



End If

objCollection.RequestRefresh True

Msgbox "The action just proposed" & Chr(13) & _

" — to send " & strCollectionList & " to " & strComputerList & _

" — " & Chr(13) & _

"has been successfully completed." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _

"If you later change your mind, please contact an SMS administrator for assistance." & Chr(13) & _

"Do not attempt to undo this action by yourself.",0,"Successful Action Completion"

strCollectionList = ""

strVerifiedColl = ""

strVerifiedCollId = ""

strComputerList = ""

strVerifiedComp = ""

strVerifiedCompId = ""

strUserName = ""


Msgbox "The action just proposed" & Chr(13) & _

" — to send " & strCollectionList & " to " & strComputerList & _

" — " & Chr(13) & _

"has been successfully cancelled. Please continue, as appropriate.", _

0,"Successful Action Cancellation"

End If

End If


If strVerifiedColl = "" Then

Msgbox "Please enter and verify (or re-verify) the name of a SMS package before proceeding.",_

0,"Please Try Again"


Msgbox "Please enter and verify (or re-verify) the name of a computer before proceeding.",_

0,"Please Try Again"

End If

End If

If Not fncIsNothing(objCollections) Then Set objCollections = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objCollection) Then Set objCollection = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objNewDirectRule) Then Set objNewDirectRule = Nothing

If Not fncIsNothing(objCollectionRule) Then Set objCollectionRule = Nothing

End Sub 'subAddComputerToCollection


Function fncIsNothing(strValue)

Dim strVariableToTestIfSingleDimension

Dim intStartingValueForstrArrayNameayIndex

Dim intIndexForGoingThroughstrArrayNameay, intNumberOfDimensions, intNumberOfRows, intNumberOfColumns, x, y

Dim blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent : blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent = False

If IsEmpty(strValue) Then

fncIsNothing = True

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

End If

If IsNull(strValue) Then

fncIsNothing = True

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

End If

If VarType(strValue) = vbString Then

If strValue = "" Then

fncIsNothing = True

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

End If

End If

If IsNumeric(strValue) Then

If strValue = 0 Then

fncIsNothing = True

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

End If

End If

If IsObject(strValue) Then

If strValue Is Nothing Then

fncIsNothing = True

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

End If

End If

'Check for strArrayNameays

If IsArray(strValue) Then

intNumberOfDimensions = fncNumberOfDimensions(strValue)

'Handle multi-dimensional strArrayNameays

If intNumberOfDimensions = 0 Then

fncIsNothing = True

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

ElseIf intNumberOfDimensions = 1 Then

'Check for single-dimensional strArrayNameay

On Error Resume Next

'Handle single-dimensional strArrayNameays

strVariableToTestIfSingleDimension = strValue(0)

intStartingValueForstrArrayNameayIndex = fncIif(Err.Number = 0, 0, 1)


On Error GoTo 0

For intIndexForGoingThroughstrArrayNameay = intStartingValueForstrArrayNameayIndex To UBound(strValue)

If Not fncIsNothing(strValue(intIndexForGoingThroughstrArrayNameay)) Then

'Has something in it

blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent = True

Exit For

End If


fncIsNothing = Not blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

ElseIf intNumberOfDimensions = 2 Then

intNumberOfRows = Ubound(strValue, 2)+1

intNumberOfColumns = Ubound(strValue, 1)+1

For x = 0 To intNumberOfRows - 1

For y = 0 To intNumberOfColumns - 1

If Not fncIsNothing(strValue(y,x)) Then

blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent = True

Exit For

End If


If (blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent) Then

Exit For

End If


fncIsNothing = Not blnFlagSetTrueIfValueHasContent

Exit Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

End If

End If

fncIsNothing = False

End Function 'fncIsNothing(strValue)

'------------- The following two functions are used by fncIsNothing

Function fncIif(strConditionToTest,strTestOutputValue1,strTestOutputValue2) 'Used by the fncIsNothing function. Provides alternative strValues based on test.

If strConditionToTest Then

fncIif = strTestOutputValue1


fncIif = strTestOutputValue2

End If

End Function 'fncIif(strConditionToTest,strTestOutputValue1,strTestOutputValue2)


Function fncNumberOfDimensions(strArrayName) 'Used by the fncIsNothing function. Returns the number of dimensions of an strArrayNameay.

Dim intNumberOfDimensionsInArray, strTemporaryArrayForArrayDimensionalDetermination

On Error Resume Next

For intNumberOfDimensionsInArray = 1 To 60

strTemporaryArrayForArrayDimensionalDetermination = UBound(strArrayName, intNumberOfDimensionsInArray)

If err.number > 0 Then

intNumberOfDimensionsInArray = intNumberOfDimensionsInArray - 1

Exit For

End If


On Error Goto 0

fncNumberOfDimensions = intNumberOfDimensionsInArray

End Function 'fncNumberOfDimensions(strArrayName)


Sub subCheckError

Dim strMessage

If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub

Msgbox "Line 533: " & Err.Source & " " & Hex(err) & ": " & Err.Description

strMessage = Err.Source & " " & Hex(err) & ": " & Err.Description

'WScript.echo strMessage

'objScriptOutputFile.Write "'Note: " & strMessage & vbCrlf


'WScript.Quit 1

End Sub 'subCheckError


Sub subExitHta

Dim strComputer

Dim objWmiService

Dim colProcessList

Dim objProcess

strComputer = "."

Set objWmiService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _

& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colProcessList = objWmiService.ExecQuery _

("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'mshta.exe'")

For Each objProcess in colProcessList



End Sub 'subExitHta



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