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Jason Snook

Deploy Issue: HP 8100 Elite (NIC)


I am running into issues deploying Windows 7 through OSD to an HP 8100 Elite because of a network driver issue.


The network card is an Intel® 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection. HP (and Intel) do not have a unique driver for this device. Instead they use the Intel® 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection which is listed as a compatible driver.


I've imported the driver to SCCM, applied it to the Boot Images (updated DPs), created a Driver Package for it (which has been successfully deployed to the DP).


The Task Sequence (TS) starts and applies the device drivers. Upon reboot, before the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr process, the TS fails and it restarts into the OS. The OS doesn't have the NIC driver loaded. I load the driver manually, and it's there.


The last message in the Advertisement Status on the SCCM server is as follows:


The task sequence execution engine performed a system reboot initiated by the action (Setup windows and ConfigMgr) in the group (Setup Operating System).


The local client log is non-existent.


Any assistance in this matter would be GREATLY appreciated!

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I was able to get this to work. I overlooked adding the Install Driver Package step in the Task Sequence.



Could you please let me know how you added this task as I have tried and doesnt seem to work - Im having same problems with osd build and capture for 8100 elite.




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Could you please let me know how you added this task as I have tried and doesnt seem to work - Im having same problems with osd build and capture for 8100 elite.





Once you import the driver, assign it to a driver package, and then replicate the package to your distribution points, you need to tell the task sequence to use this driver. You can do it two ways:


1. Auto Apply Drivers

This will apply all drivers based on the Device ID.


2. Apply Driver Package

This will only apply the drivers in the specified driver package.


I always use option 2 with my builds. I specify a WMI query that matches the hardware it's intended for. I group my driver packs based on machine type and apply them only to the hardware I intend to. I've had problems with Auto-Apply drivers, so I don't use it.


Both of these tasks are available in the config manager Task Sequence editor. Just right click on your task and choose edit. Once in the editor, click Add (upper left) and then Drivers. You'll then see the two options.


Hope that helps!

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