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0x80070002 when deploying any software as OSD task


It seems no matter what software package I try to include within an OSD task, I keep getting the 0x80070002 error.


Tried office 2007 SP2 using the guide on here, then tried deploying adobe reader with the help from appdeploy.com. My tasks are fine up until it gets to the software installation task, it looks like it's working as it takes 5 minutes before the 0x80070002 error. The software is on the DPs ok.


The machine reboots and goes into windows xp as normal (obviously without any software installed). Does anyone know what logs I can look at?




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before it reboots press F8, bring up a command prompt and type ipconfig, do you have a valid ip address ?


oh yes, it's way way after that part. It goes through all the tasks formatting the HDD, applying windows/network settings, installing drivers and then windows. Windows is fully installed but it's the task straight after that which always comes up with the error.

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Take a look at the client logs (smsts & execmgr)


Unfortunately the logs are not available as it's too far along in the process. The part getting the error looked to me to be within windows xp itself rather than PE. This would explain why F8 did not bring up the DOS window. Unfortunately it's a pain that the local logs get deleted once the task sequence has completed and windows is installed. Unless they are in another location? (wouldn't surprise me being microsoft)


However, I have managed to work out what the problem was. I'll post the answer here like I always do in case anyone has a similar issue.


Last week we migrated the server from tier 2 to tier 1 on our SAN (to give us better disk i/o) and I believe we had some data corruption. What was happening is that the boot.wim was ok booting the machine up and deploying all the tasks but once windows had installed it didn't have any NIC drivers. Looking at the driver pack half of the drivers were missing!!!! very strange as they were all there a few days before the migration.


Basically this is what was happening


PXE Boot > boot.wim > integrated PE drivers within the boot.wim for NIC card

Running the tasks: format c:, windows/network settings, driver pack, windows install, reboot

Windows XP setup (blue screen setup, reboot, gui setup, reboot)


Windows XP boots and goes back into the SCCM screen for the software install tasks. It was at this point windows was missing the NIC drivers and coming up with the 0x800... error. This explains why changing the tasks from software install to anything else also resulted in the same error.


Finally I removed the driver folder and driver pack and reimported the drivers for the machine in question. Updated the DPs and relinked the pack back into the task sequence.


Why microsoft can't put a simple 'Unable to access network share...' message instead of a code beats me :-)

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mmmmm, seems things aren't quite going as planned. Most of my software installation tasks are now ok apart from the Microsoft ones (go figure). Adobe, Java, Putty, CDBurner etc etc are all ok but whenever I try and deploy either Forefront client or Office 2007 if fails with the above code 0x80070002

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Grr, turns out the office 2007 package was corrupt. Tried installing it from the desktop and that wouldn't work either.

Removed and re deployed the package and everythings working greating.


The forefront client it would seem needs to be deployed once the machine is part of a domain rather than a workgroup.



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