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Deploy a Batch File


hey guys, i got a little issue

i am trying to run a btach file using software dist' that batch file is actually trying to kill certain service , delete an exe file , copy from server share another exe file and at the end i use NET START to start the new exe file as service ...


the prblem is that everything is working fine untill that phaze that the btach should run at the users workstation...


i get this :



i heard that i cant use .bat in software deploy instead in need to use .cmd is that correct?

or that i cant use copy command in the batch file from \\servershare\

anyway this is the batch file:



taskkill /F /IM EXAMPLE.exe

DEL c:\windows\system32\EXAMPLE.exe

copy \\servershare\\dist\EXAMPLE.exe c:\windows\system32\

net start EXAMPLE

echo finish %computername% %date% %time% >> \\servershare\\dist\install.log



am i doing something wrong?

please help



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You're using a UNC path to copy from, so are you running this with user rights? Otherwise it's only running as the local SYSTEM account, which wouldn't have rights to your network location. And if you ARE running it with user rights, then they'd have to have permissions such that they could kill the running process and delete the file...

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You're going to probably have better luck making the script and associated files into an SCCM Package and then deploying that just like you would say... Adobe Reader, or something. On the package's Program, under the Environment tab, set it to "Run with administrative rights". Or if you want to try using a task sequence, you might take a look at this: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2758-how-can-i-copy-files-from-a-package

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