I am having an issue with an application. Let me start with a bit of basic background on our environment. We have one Primary server at Head office and 16 secondary servers in major cities across the country. We also have 16 BDP located within 250 miles of head office.
I have an application called Avaya IC that I am deploying. We have created the package on the primary site. I have copied the package to all distribution points on the primary and secondary sites. The issue is when I try to copy the application out to the BDP it never seems to get there. The package status show the following message
SMS Distribution Manager is starting to distribute package "IC Agent" to distribution point "["Display=\\LAB0055555\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=LAB"]\\LAB005555\".
BDP (Content Transfer Manager.log)
Persisted locations for CTM job {78F6DD59-8CB5-4E35-909B-A379FAF2A0FA}:
So basically it comes down to I can copy this package to any distribution point other than BDP's. I can deploy the package to client with out issue. I just cannot get the package to copy to BDP's. I have tried a different package of the same size and it gets copied to the distribution points including BDP's with out issue. I have tried creating a new deployment package for this application and copying it out to the branch distribution points with out sucess.
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Hi Guys
I am having an issue with an application. Let me start with a bit of basic background on our environment. We have one Primary server at Head office and 16 secondary servers in major cities across the country. We also have 16 BDP located within 250 miles of head office.
I have an application called Avaya IC that I am deploying. We have created the package on the primary site. I have copied the package to all distribution points on the primary and secondary sites. The issue is when I try to copy the application out to the BDP it never seems to get there. The package status show the following message
SMS Distribution Manager is starting to distribute package "IC Agent" to distribution point "["Display=\\LAB0055555\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=LAB"]\\LAB005555\".
BDP (Content Transfer Manager.log)
Persisted locations for CTM job {78F6DD59-8CB5-4E35-909B-A379FAF2A0FA}:
Peer DPAgent Log
Raising event:
[sMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(4105)]
instance of PDPDownloadStartedEvent
ClientID = "GUID:8F9B02F6-02B3-4D64-853E-B443B4FBDAE4";
DateTime = "20110711170451.273000+000";
MachineName = " LAB0055555";
PackageID = "MDC0017F";
ProcessID = 1972;
SiteCode = "LAB";
SourceVersion = 2;
ThreadID = 2812;
Package MDC0017F in state 'Downloading'.
So basically it comes down to I can copy this package to any distribution point other than BDP's. I can deploy the package to client with out issue. I just cannot get the package to copy to BDP's. I have tried a different package of the same size and it gets copied to the distribution points including BDP's with out issue. I have tried creating a new deployment package for this application and copying it out to the branch distribution points with out sucess.
I am baffled!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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