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OSDTimezone variable issue


Hey Guys,


Might be a stretch but wondering if anyone here had any ideas.... I have a frontend hta built configured in the OSD Task Sequence which as part of it sets the variable OSDTimezone.


I basically have a dropdown box with a list of locations available to set the timezone.


My problem is that timezone names that have full stops don't set correctly and when the computer loads it has GMT time and not what was selected.


I am using the microsoft list: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772783%28WS.10%29.aspx


An example is that if "New Zealand Standard Time" is selected it works fine however "A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time" does not.


Here is an example of the vbscript section of the code:


	If sTSLocation = "Auck" Then
	oTaskSequence("OSDTimeZone") = "New Zealand Standard Time"
End If

If sTSLocation = "Suns" Then
	oTaskSequence("OSDTimeZone") = "A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time"
End If


I have had this working before but I'll be damned if I can remember now. :)


I even put a msgbox in to ensure that it is picking up the rule correctly:


	If sTSLocation = "Dand" Then
	oTaskSequence("OSDTimeZone") = "A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time"
	msgbox "Dandenong Selected"
End If


The msgbox displays however once the computer loads it is set to GMT time.


I also tried using the index number but that does not seem to work at all.


Any ideas?


Is there some way I can check what the variable is set to during the build process as that might give me some clue as to what is going on?

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....And fixed it.


Despite Microsoft's format on their website being "A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time" I changed it to "AUS Eastern Standard Time" and now it is setting the timezone correctly.


I was thinking it might have had something to do with those full stops!


Hey mate.. I know you have moved on fronm this issue but for everyone's information, the timezone codes lord_hyrax got is from the old article. At some stage between XP and Vista (also server 2k3 to 2k8), the timezone codes were renamed so you need to specify the OS you want to target. You also need to be be very careful when reading articles about timezones because they change very often due to some states implementing/extending DST and so on. Not sure if you can refer to the timezone via the code when using the OSDTimeZone variable but you can defintely use TZ Codes using sysprep.








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