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Check SCCM Client Version

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This may be a simple question and the answer is probably staring me in the face but I have googled etc and all I can find is how to determine the version of the SCCM Server but not the client. Is there a relatively easy way of determining the client version deployed? Is it possible to have a mixture of R2 and R3?


Appreciate your response.

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Are you wanting to collect the information from all your systems and record it somewhere or are you just wanting to be able to look at a system and see what version it has? A software query using PSInfo will tell you the version of Configuration Manager Client installed. Example, PSInfo query of a remote XP SP3 system returns the software with this as one of the items: Configuration Manager Client 4.00.6487.2000


More information on what you are trying to do would help. You could also probably get this information straight from your SCCM server with a query.


Probably not helpful but trying...

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