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OoB for SCCM2012 Issues

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First Time Post here on your forum and have to say your guide was great for getting sccm 2012 up and running.


The main problem i seem to be having though is getting the Out of Band working on my test setup.


I have tried everything to get it working and browsing google for answers for about a week now.


At First i had it saying not detected but made progress by adding the hash to the AMT but still after that i had it only at detected.


After a bit more searching i found it was the root hash i needed to enter into AMT which then i seem to be getting them to show up as not provisioned.


This is were i am stuck. IT would just never go to provisioned state.


Im thinking maybe i need to start from scratch and that it could be my Cetificate Autority that i have set up wrong.


Any Ideas would be great or maybe a guide on getting this up and running :)

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Hi Rikimaru,


Did you ever figure out how to get the AMT status to go from "Not Provisioned" to "Provisioned". I find it odd as well that the Out of Band Management drop down options for the client system are all greyed except the "Discover".

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After working on this for quite some time, I determined that I had a few things incorrect. One issue was that I starting the provisioning process from AMT/BIOS as that was the only way I could get the network card to enable when not in Windows, and I thought this was necessary. This is not a step you want to take, instead you must leave it ready for provisioning, and the provisioning process is actually performed by the SCCM agent. The other issue I had was I put in the wrong HASH because I wasn't thinking clearly.


I documented my entire process and will post it online when I have the time.

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