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Yet another problem!!




The boss is giving us till the end of next week before pulling our SCCM project! Hope not as we've spent months getting it this far but he's not happy with all the problems with it.


Today we took delivery of yet another model of laptop from HP. This one is an HP4530s. We have the previous HP4520s working great through SCCM (well, not great obviously but it's good enough for us). I have downloaded all the drivers from the HPs site but when I try to import them SCCM tells me they are already in the database. Fair enough, the specs must be the same as the previous model so one less thing for me to worry about. Oh hang a sec, no they are not the same. I know the NIC in the 4530 is slightly different than the 4520 as I had to inject yet another NIC driver into the boot wim for PXE. Mmmmmmm, so if the NICs are different, perhaps other hardware in the laptop are different. How can I tell SCCM just to add all the drivers I tell it to, wether they are already in the database or not? Why can't I just create a new folder called HP 4520s and put all the drivers in there and then another folder called 4530 and put all the drivers in that one.


so then....if the drivers are already in the database how come NONE of the drivers are working through the OSD task? The 4530 is using the same task sequence as the 4520 where we have set 'Auto Apply Drivers' and selected use drivers from any category.


I thought perhaps creating a driver package and using that would help....nope, can't even do that. When I create a new driver package it's all great until I start adding drivers to it lol The error comes up 'some packages cannot be updated, please check the logs'. Would be nice to have a link to which log I should be looking at. I'd really rather not use a driver package, much happier using the auto apply driver task and let it do a pnp scan and pick what it needs. Last time I made a driver package for an HP laptop I got an out of memory error. Seems the driver package was too big for the registry limit or something. Not surprising with 300mb bluetooth drivers!!!! go figure.





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You can use HP SSM and HP softpaq download manager to manage drivers for all the HP computers.

Add HP SSM as an application and use it in the Task Sequence with the correct parameters. Then you only have to specify the models in HP Softpaq download manager and download the drivers there (driver repository), no work in SCCM. Then it is easy to add new HP models. HP, Lenovo and DELL have solutions for this, and they work like a charm.


If you add a Intel driver, this intel driver can contain drivers for a lot of Intel network cards. If this is not Intel i have seen posts that other brands have drivers for WindowsPE, and you should not use the Windows Vista/7 driver.


Import Only network and Sata drivers into the "driver database" in SCCM, and add them to windows PE boot images. Sometimes these drivers are not beeing applied to the Windows image in the task sequence (auto apply driver step) (plug and play id "error" so they are not applied) Use driver packages (does not have the plug and play weakness) in the Task Sequence for the different HP models, and remember to use wmi queries on the driver packages step. Please don't have a lot of driver packages step in the task sequence without wmi queries on the option tab for these.


You can create a driver package and only point it to the root folder where you have all the drivers for the model, you do not have to import the drivers into the driver package. If the project is about to be unplugged i recommend you contact a Microsoft partner that can help you get this up and running 100%.

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Thanks!! The HP software sounds good.


ok, so I have downloaded SSM and the Softpaq manager. Shares have been created and the softpaq manager has downloaded all the drivers for the 4530s. Now when I run ssm.exe \\server\share /accept from within the TS I get the error "oledlg.exe is missing"


any ideas? Thanks

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I have done this the following way:


To steps in the Task Sequence:

1. Copy HP SSM to Client:

cmd.exe /c xcopy.exe \\server\SMSPKGD$\P0100054\*.* c:\HP\SSM\ /E /D

2. Run the HP SSM client:

cmd.exe /c SSM.exe \\server\packages$\HPsoftpaqs\ /A /F /Log:\\server\Logs$



  On 8/8/2011 at 7:32 AM, glen8 said:

Thanks!! The HP software sounds good.


ok, so I have downloaded SSM and the Softpaq manager. Shares have been created and the softpaq manager has downloaded all the drivers for the 4530s. Now when I run ssm.exe \\server\share /accept from within the TS I get the error "oledlg.exe is missing"


any ideas? Thanks

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