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gaurav ranjan

sequencing of Sales Force ADD-in for MS OUTLOOK 2010


I have been working on the sequencing of the Sales Force Add-in for MS Outlook 2010. But I am finally been not able to sequence it.


I had tried the same process what I have done to successfully to sequence the Intuit add-in for Outlook 2010 using DSC.

I have sequenced the sales force add-in separately by expanding the MS OFFICE package locally on the sequencer machine. Then I copied the CODEBASE HREF of the from the OSD of the sales force add-in and pasted it to the OSD of the sign in tool and the MS OUTLOOK 2010 under the dependency tag. Then I loaded both the package to the APP-V server and launched the sign in tool. The progress bar of the Sign in tool proceeded two times while launching through app-v which proves the dependency of the application on the other application.

But it failed to load the sales force add-in onto the outlook. In fact I haven’t got the add-in tab on outlook unlike the Intuit add-in. Also I hadn’t got the sales force add-in onto the list of the add-in on the outlook.


The main difference while sequencing both add-ins is that we can be able to launch the Intuit add-in at the stage of run application which was monitored by the sequencer as it is being an independent application but the sales force is a complete dependent application and can’t be launched until and unless outlook is launched and we can’t launch outlook during sequencing. It is a dependent application. So it was not monitored by the sequencer and hence might be the reason for failure.


Then for checking the and knowing the exact and efficient working of the sales force add-in I have installed the add-in to a machine where MS OFFICE 2010 is locally installed. There I got the sales force add-in on to the list of the add-ins on outlook but don’t have any icon of the sales force under the add-in tab unlike Intuit add-in so that it can be launched with the outlook. When I tried to launch the Sales force through its short cut directly I got an error that “the sales force failed to synchronize with the outlook”.


Can anyone suggest me the proper guidance for sequencing and use sales force with outlook 2010 efficiently.....


ThanksGaurav Ranjan

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