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Advertistment received but client doesn't do anything


Hi Guys, Hope all is well. Hope someone can help please.


I'm trying to deploy windows 7 to a hyper-v client within my test enviroment. I have imported the windows 7 boot file and have also imported the operation system files, and created a task sequence then advertisted it against the collection which the hyper-v client lives in, but the client doesn't start the install process.


I've had a look around this forum but i am unable to find any post which point me into the right direction.


I receive the following description within the Status Message Viewer:-


Advertisement "WIN20027" was received from site "WIN".


The client passes any supported platform requirements and the SMS will add the advertisement's program to the list that will be displayed to users and/or run via assignment. If an advertisement is received but not displayed on a client, verify that the current time on the client is between the advertisement start and expiration times, and that the program specified in the advertisement is enabled.


I can confirm that the time and date and within the advertisement period. Distribution points for Operation System Images has my server listed. \\SERVER.


Any links or post to resolve this would be great.



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HI Peter, thanks for replying. What i am trying to achieve is deploy windows 7 via sccm to a hyper-v client that is already apart of the sccm server. I have imported the boot file, imported the operating system files, created a tasks sequence and advertisted it to the collection which the pc is apart of. And also adding the distribution points as well. I'm not sure what you mean by "RAP" but i'am trying to get sccm to flag up in the bottom right hand corner that there are new advertisement ready and automatically restart the pc and being the install process of windows 7 as per my task sequence.I would like to also do a PEX boot as well, and have WDS and PEX service point as a role, but something is stopping this from working.


Still keep getting the status in the message viewer;-


Advertisement "WIN20027" was received from site "WIN".


The client passes any supported platform requirements and the SMS will add the advertisement's program to the list that will be displayed to users and/or run via assignment. If an advertisement is received but not displayed on a client, verify that the current time on the client is between the advertisement start and expiration times, and that the program specified in the advertisement is enabled.

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Hi peter thanks for replying again, sorry I took long to reply been unable to get online for the past few days.


Log file lists the following:-


The program for advertisement "WIN2002C has not yet started because the content for the package "WIN00019" - "*" (version 1) has not been acquired. Possible cause: The content for this program must be downloaded into the computer's cache, or the content could not be located.

Solution: If the program is being downloaded, no action is required. The program will start once the download has been successfully completed. If the content can not be located, ensure that a distribution point with this content is available for this computer. Distribution point availability can be affected by roaming boundary configuration which is used to determine whether distribution points are classified as local or remote, or by enabling distribution points as protected distribution points. Distribution point availability can also be affected if you are using branch distribution points and the advertisement is configured with the option Run program from distribution point instead of Download content from distribution point and run locally. This is because branch distribution points do not support advertisements that are configured to run directly from a distribution point.

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Just noticed that the package WIN00019 is not available within C:\SMSPKGC$ Directory. However I think it has created an different package directory within C:\SMSPKGC$ with the files in, but under a different name WIN00032. Confused, think I need another coffee, already.

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