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SCCM Prerequisite Check

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irst I created an OU container called “AdminGroup” and I added 2 groups “SCCM-Admins” and “SQL-Admins” , I crated 2 accounts “sccmadmin” and “sqladmin” in “Service Managed Accounts” counter. I add both user accounts to both groups, So I added “sccmadmin” to SCCM-Admins” group and I added “sqladmin” to ” SQL-Admins” group. Also I added both groups to the “Domain Admins” group and “Administratros” group.


I installed the SQL 2008 R2 server during the installation I used “sqladmin”, then once I the SCCM prerequiste check I get the following errors message:


Either the user account running Configuration Manager Setup does not have sysadmin SQL Server role permissions on the SQL Server instance targeted for site database installation or the SQL Server instance could not be contacted to verify permissions. Setup cannot continue.


Configuration Manager site server components can only be installed on computers that are members of a Windows domain.


Setup either could not verify that short file name (8.3) support is enabled on the computer specified for site system installation or the server could not be contacted to determine short file name support information. No further prerequisite checking rules can be evaluated on the specified system. Setup cannot continue.

So I just want be able:


I followed the following URL:




Thanks for your helps.

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