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pushing scripts to computers.

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Hi all,


I am pretty new to SCCM and just evaluating.

While setting up SCCM and basic OSD is pretty straight forward, I am a bit lost in how to best deploy some customisation-scripts for my os installation and do app-maintenance.


I want to create different groups of servers to separate them by function. (e.g. IIS, MSSQL, ...)

I assume, devicecollections will be the best choice to group several machines by service, right?


There are two scenarios, where I don't really know how to solve them:



scenario 1)


Lets say, I have OSD running and a basic OS gets installed.


The next step should run some script (powershell, batch ....), that does some rolespecific customization, e.g. create partitions, folders; install and configure roles and features; place configfiles .... – lets just start with a simple batch like this to get this working:

# Enable Telnet Client
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:TelnetClient
# Create temp-dir
md c:\temp
# write ipconfig to file
ipconfig /all > c:\temp\ipconfig.txt


I don't really get the point, how to get this pushed to all clients with SCCM2012.

I have my batchfile placed on a share. How to I get it deployed to my devices?



scenario 2)


I want to initially deploy an MSI-Application to a server and place a folder including configfiles.


This app gets updated frequently. Sometimes only the MSI, sometimes the foldercontent, sometimes both.


Can I simply change the sourcefiles and raise the version number to push that to all clients in one job? Or do I have to create a new deployment-job that superseeds the old one? How would you set this up?



As I am not very experienced with SCCM yet, your ideas and feedback is very appreciated.


Thanks a lot!

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