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Software advertisements not working on win7 64 bit. But working fine on windows XP SP2
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Hello everyone
I've gotten a strange problem that I cannot figure out. I install my windows 7 64Bit Norwegian image and software using a Task sequence. Everything works fine until the computer is ready. I'm advertising the config manager toolkit to my computer and then I refresh the machine policy from the Config manager Client. Nothing happens.I then tested it on my Windows XP machine (using the same collection) and it installed instantly.
The execmgr.log file is showing these errors after my first startup
Software Distribution Site Settings for the client are missing from WMI. execmgr 28.10.2011 10:49:14 576 (0x0240)
Failed to instantiate UI Server {C2F23AE4-82D8-456F-A4AF-A2655D8CA726} with error 80004005 execmgr 28.10.2011 10:49:14 576 (0x0240)
Failed to instantiate UI Server 2 {E8425D59-451B-4978-A2AB-641470EB7C02} with error 80004005 execmgr 28.10.2011 10:49:14 576 (0x0240)
Failed to instantiate Updates UI Server {2D023958-73D0-4542-8AD6-9A507364F70E} with error 80004005 execmgr 28.10.2011 10:49:14 576 (0x0240)
Failed to instantiate VApp UI Server {00AAB372-0D6D-4976-B5F5-9BC7605E30BB} with error 0x80004005 execmgr 28.10.2011 10:49:14 576 (0x0240)
Software Distribution Site Settings for the client are missing from WMI. execmgr 28.10.2011 10:51:19 3792 (0x0ED0)
Software Distribution Site Settings for the client are missing from WMI. execmgr 28.10.2011 10:51:19 3792 (0x0ED0)
Common Client Agent Settings for the client are missing from WMI. execmgr 28.10.2011 10:51:19 3792 (0x0ED0)
A user has logged on. execmgr 28.10.2011 10:51:27 3284 (0x0CD4)
The logged on user is domain\user execmgr 28.10.2011 10:51:27 3284 (0x0CD4)
Software distribution agent was enabled execmgr 28.10.2011 10:51:55 3576 (0x0DF8)
the 80004005 error means access denied
When testing WMI connection using wbemtest (\\<primsitename>\root\sms\site_xxx) the connection goes fine using the same credentials as the Computer Client agent. Also able to run the query "select * from sms_package" and getting all packages displayed. WMI seems to connect fine.
Both the win7 and the winxp machine are located within the same boundaries and are both receiving policy updates. its just the execmgr.log indicating errors on the win7 machine.
Firewall rules have been setup using technet and http://www.jitcservices.com/blog/?p=28 guidelines.
Any ideas?
Regards Øyvind
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