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Robert Nilsson

OS Installation stuck in running state because of missing sw updates on dp


Hi I have question regarding some OS installations that are stuck in the running state long after the installation has finished. This is a problem for us because other software will not get installed unless the OSD has finished successfully.


The final step in our OSD task sequence installs all software updates that are advertised. And I have selected to ignore errors in case they do occur. Because software updates will get install later on anyway (not preferred). But the problem is that when we are advertising more updates to a computer than are available on the DP. Reason might be that the updates are currently being staged or we have forgotten to stage them. And the installation waits until they are available.


Is there a way to change the installation status from running to succeeded? Either by a registry hack or an sql query? Or to have a time out in the task sequence causing it to "fail" which is ok because it's the last step.


I have found the following key in the registry and someone here pointed out that if you want to rerun an advertisement that has the option rerun failed advertisements you can change it from succeeded or exit code 0 to exit 1 or whatever and the installation will restart next policy refresh.


HKLM>Software>Microsoft>SMS>Mobile Client>Software Distribution>Execution History>System>"advID".

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