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Add users to a RDP group based on hostname


Hi Guys,


I would like to add domain users to be able to log on via RDP to their desktop via script or GPO. Basically, all our desktops are named after the user who uses it.


Dersktop=sjobs-xp1, sjobs-ws1 and Username=sjobs


Can you guys advise me how can I achieve this? Any scripting ideas on windows? We also just started using SCCM, so anything there can also work.

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Ok. so I wrote a powershell script myself and here it is if someone comes looking for similar request.


# Script to add a domain user to a Remote Desktop users group on the local PC.

$computerName = gc env:computername
$userName = $computerName.split("-")[0]
$Domain = gc env:USERDNSDOMAIN
$localGroupName = "Remote Desktop Users"

if ([adsi]::Exists("LDAP://CN=$userName,OU=PEOPLE,OU=Accounts,DC=laurion,DC=corp"))
 $adsi = [ADSI]"WinNT://$ComputerName/$localGroupName,group"
 $memberList = $adsi.psbase.invoke("Members") | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}

 foreach($member in $memberList)
 { Write-Host "Member is $member"
if(!$member -eq $userName)
   	Write-Host "User $Domain\$userName is now member of local group $localGroupName on $computerName."
} else
   	Write-Host "User already exists in the group."
} else
 Write-Host "User does not exist in AD domain."

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