First of all thanks for all the fantastic guides and information on this site. It’s saved me countless hours and grey hairs.
I've got a bit of a problem with regards to multicasting and I’m hoping someone out there might have come across this issue before and know the solution.
I've followed all the guides and setup a 2008 R2 server and configured it as a DP and a multicast service point. The ‘site status / component status’ looks fine and so do the logs on the multicast server, but when I try to send out anything via multicast (eg winpe or an OS Image) it fails to start the multicast session and the smsts.log shows the following error:
Performing multicast download from mcs://\\\SMSPKGE$\HSX00002\&PackageFlags=202375168&packageID=HSX00002&version=21. encryption required:false
“Unable to find the multicast dll“
I've setup a completely separate DEV environment and it has the exact same issue, so I’m assuming that it’s probably something that I’m doing wrong somewhere.
I've searched the servers and there is no file called multicast.dll.
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Hi guys,
First of all thanks for all the fantastic guides and information on this site. It’s saved me countless hours and grey hairs.
I've got a bit of a problem with regards to multicasting and I’m hoping someone out there might have come across this issue before and know the solution.
I've followed all the guides and setup a 2008 R2 server and configured it as a DP and a multicast service point. The ‘site status / component status’ looks fine and so do the logs on the multicast server, but when I try to send out anything via multicast (eg winpe or an OS Image) it fails to start the multicast session and the smsts.log shows the following error:
Performing multicast download from mcs://\\\SMSPKGE$\HSX00002\&PackageFlags=202375168&packageID=HSX00002&version=21. encryption required:false
“Unable to find the multicast dll“
I've setup a completely separate DEV environment and it has the exact same issue, so I’m assuming that it’s probably something that I’m doing wrong somewhere.
I've searched the servers and there is no file called multicast.dll.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Kind regards,
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