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Office 2007 deployment with SCCM the advertisement is showing running for many hours but nothing happens


Dear All,


The Office 2007 has been copied onto the local drive of the server. its the Enterprise license and its on shared folder.


Opened the OCT and then customised it by putting in the license key and accepted the license agreement and selected the option NONE and supress model is automatically selected. In features selected the office to Run all from my computer. named the files Custom.msp and saved it in Updates folder.


Now in the command line of SCCM Office 2007 package creation setup.exe from the original location is selected, Run- Normal , Action- No action Required. Estimated Disk space 5GB, Whether or not user logged on, Allow this program to run from install software task sequence option selected.


Advertisement is given to a collection which is having only one test laptop. The status of the advertisement is running and detail description of the report says downloded to the Cach folder i,e. windows/system32/ccm/cache/advrt ID/


Screenshot attached


When checked the folder the application is downloaded i can see all the files but the setup is not starting automatically. If i manually click on setup.exe in that folder the installation starts. Please help!


Ive been following NOOB website for references and resolving few issues n I hope it is fruitful this time as well!


Thanks in advance guys!

office detail.bmpFetching info...

Office 2007 status report.bmpFetching info...

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Just a guess here, but did you remove all the other .msp files from the updates folder. I am still in the process of setting up my install, but I made the assumption I was suppose to remove the other .msp files, so the app knows to use the silent install options I added in OCT. Take that with a grain of salt, I am assuming I should have removed them. :)

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