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Office 2010 install not displaying progress bar.




I am currently working in deploying Office 2010 to 1800 computers. I have created a package and a MSP file and all seems to be working great. The only problem is that when i run the install via SCCM the office 2010 progress bar does not appear but i run the setup.exe manualy it appears.


I have configured the .msp to have basic display with supress modal and no cancel. The program for my package is set to Run: Normal, After Ruinning: No action required.


The install runs succesfuly 95% of the time via SCCM but the business wants the customer to see a display of the installation progress so that they dont do something during the installation that might cause it to crash.


Has anyone got any indeas about why this might be happening or any other ways of doing the roll out where the customers will get notified about the installation.





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If you want the prgress bar to show up during the installation, you have to make the program interactive by chosing "only when user is loggen on" in the advaced tab of the program. Also set the "run with administrative rights" option. Make sure that u don't set the "suppress program notification" option. You can't use task sequences for interactive installation.

Best way to find the reason for the faulty installatios is to write a log file during the setup. (setup /L*v c:\windows\temp\mso2010.log)

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Thank for that, i will give this ago. By selecting "only when user is loggen on" tho it will only install when the user has logged in? Not if the computer is at the login screen? could still work.. What have other people done for the installation. Sorry to ask its just my first large roll out that i have done by myself.

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No problem.And yes, "only when user is loggen on" means exactly what it says, a user has to be logged in. The advertisement will not start if the computer is only at the logon screen.

U can also chose "whether a user is logged on or not", but this means that the advertisement will run even if no user is logged on, which is usually the preferred method for most deployments.

Can't give you an advice for the office deployment because it's part of the base image in our environment. Right now im deploying SP1 for Windows 7 to several thousend machines with an interactive setup triggered by an HTA frontend where the user can descide if he wants to start the update or not, because it will slow down the system for like 30 minutes pretty much, and needs additional 20 minutes for the next reboot.

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