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HP Elite 8200 Nic drivers failing Xp OSD

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Hi all,


I am new to this forum and apologies if this has already been convered.


I've been struggling for ages trying to find the right PXE drivers for the HP elite 8200 using the 82579LM intel NIC. SCCM keep crashing just before the Task Sequence. and rebooting the OSD. I have copied the SMS trace below. I have injected the drivers into the Boot image but no joy.


Any help would be amazing!




Succesfully removed firewall rule for Tftp TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

uExitCode == 0, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\server\pxe\tspxe\tspxe.cpp,185) TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

Failed to download pxe variable file. Code(0x00000001) TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

PxeGetPxeData failed with 0x80004005 TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError), HRESULT=80004005

(e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstraputil.cpp,1420) TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

TSMBootstrapUtil::PxeGetPxeData(&bPxeBooted, sVariablesFile, sPxePasswd), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,2236) TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

oTSMediaWizardControl.Run( sMediaRoot, true, true ), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstrap.cpp,937) TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

Execute( eExecutionEnv, sConfigPath, sTSXMLFile, uBootCount, &uExitCode ), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstrap.cpp,1106) TSPxe 03/01/2012 17:15:37 1200 (0x04B0)

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Having same problem I think. Client PXE boots to the boot.wim but fails to initiate the task sequence. I have injected all the drivers I can find that should work for the HP Elite 8200. Am I missing something else? Damo31 let me know if you find what you are looking for.

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