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Customise WinPE UI

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yes you can change that via custom client agent settings, change the Organization name to whatever you want and deploy those settings to a collection that your computers are in, they will now reflect the new name during os deployment

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check Computer Agent settings, Organization Name displayed in Software Center, that's the section where you set it

i'm not following your second question, can you re-word it ?

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I got the org name working! :) The second question:


So when you boot into the PE and it shows you a list of Task Sequences available, i want to be able to have like a tree view or folders that contain the Task Sequences, so i can select whether it is a server OS or Client etc without it being messy and all just in one long list.


As i dont actually use SCCM Agents i can't really use collections, the only real purpose of SCCM in my case is just the deployment as everything that gets deployed will generally goto different sites with different Domains and my boss doesn't want to expend the money on having SCCM servers at all sites



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