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Client missed Manditory Software Update

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Hey folks just wondering about this. If a client missed the Manditory software updates date what happens? I have a few clients where I see my updates and i can manually select to install them. however the updates should have been installed automatically. i'm just wondering if this is being caused because they missed the window or its another issue all together. I do have some clients that did automatically install the updates. All clients are in the same collection and same OS.


I am new to SCCM 2007.

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Another update ..

Again i'm new to SCCM so please bare witt me.


I've set Feb's patches set as manditory for 6AM this morning. There is no maintenace window, and I've set the workstations to reboot if required. When i came in this morning i fully expected all my machines to have rebooted and updates installed. However I see the updates are available for install. I've tried to reboot the machines, and re-run all the action items in the client thinking it was just waiting for the new client poll time. However that still doesn't seem to have worked.


Any idea guys? I see 50+ ppl have read my posts but no reponses yet. I really need some help. Thanks Forum members.

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