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SCCM Client installed incorrectly from image

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My OSD TS is working fine - when it is finished,agent is installed on client machine (as MSI during the OSD TS),but i cannot send any ather task/deployment on that client.I have checked the client and it shows Client certificate : None and in Actions pane are only 2 actions (machine policy & eval. and user policy & eval. retrieval cycle) all others are missing.Also all of the Components are installed,but only Software Distribution agent is Enabled.I have try to reinstall the client from console - it is reinstalled (ccmsetup.exe is running on machine),but it stays unchanged.Only way how to get client work is uninstall the client from PC completely (ccmsetup.exe /uninstall) and than push client from console - than it shows Client certificate : Self-signed,in Actions pane are all of the actions and most of the components are in status Enabled and i can send any task/deploy to this client.



I didn´t find any settings on Manager Client package i could check or in OSD TS... s7.gif


Can anyone help me with this please?



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sorted it

apparently i had spannered up my CA and CRL configuration, in particular CRL and chain as i had updated the rootca cert but not updated the subca, fouled up the ocsp config etc

sorted certificates, templates, revoked a bunch and re-issued all the configmgr certs and client certs and bam it works

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sorted it

apparently i had spannered up my CA and CRL configuration, in particular CRL and chain as i had updated the rootca cert but not updated the subca, fouled up the ocsp config etc

sorted certificates, templates, revoked a bunch and re-issued all the configmgr certs and client certs and bam it works


Sorry for digging this up, but can you go into what you did to resolve this? I renewed our CA and am curious if its causing issues in my environment.

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sorted it

apparently i had spannered up my CA and CRL configuration, in particular CRL and chain as i had updated the rootca cert but not updated the subca, fouled up the ocsp config etc

sorted certificates, templates, revoked a bunch and re-issued all the configmgr certs and client certs and bam it works


HI there,


I'm having the same issue. Could you please go into what you did to resolve this issue?




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