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Ts to add computer to domain (only)

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Ok what i've done on TS:


-Boot on winpe,

-Computer name (vbs),

-Apply Windows Settings

-Apply Network Settings

-Settings windows & ConfigMgr

-Bios settings

-Add to domain

-Power policies

-Settings Adm account


And i get this error :


============================[ OSDWinSettings.exe ]============================

Command line: "osdwinsettings.exe" /config

!sInstallType.empty(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\osdcore\infanswerfile.cpp,325)

OSD::Utility::BaseAnswerFile::CreateAnswerFile( pAnswerFile ), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\osdwinsettings\osdwinsettings.cpp,364)

ConfigureWinSettings(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\osdwinsettings\osdwinsettings.cpp,637)

Exiting with return code 0x80004005

Failed to read installation type from environment.. Please ensure you are running this executable inside a properly configured OS Deployment task sequence.

Unknown error (Error: 80004005; Source: Unknown)

Failed to initialize answer file.

Failed to open the Task Sequencing Environment. Code 0x80004005. Please ensure you are running this executable inside a properly configured OS Deployment task sequence.

Unknown error (Error: 80004005; Source: Unknown).



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The way I do ours is as follows:

-wsname (using csv file to check serial and assign machine name)

-reboot (allow name change to take place)

-Join Domain or Workgroup

-any other software/steps here etc


Is this what you are after?

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Thanks for proposal TechGuy83, yes something like that, but i didn't see the step to apply windows settings (to apply i.e computer name) in your TS !


Sorry, I didn't make it clear. I use wsname to the computer name and then reboot. I don't reboot into winpe at all. Add any config extras after the join domain step. Hope that helps.

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