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how can I deploy Windows Vista Service Pack 1


Please note that this guide is designed to get you Deploying Windows Vista with SCCM in a LAB Environment as quickly as possible. This guide is provided as is, if you find any errors please report them in the forums.




In a production environment please consult Technet for best practise, see below links:


Operating System Deployment:


Operating System Deployment in Configuration Manager

Overview of Operating System Deployment

Operating System Deployment Property Pages

Prerequisites for Operating System Deployment




System Center Configuration Manager 2007


Best Practices:


Configuring Configuration Manager Sites for Best Performance

Checklist for Security Best Practices

Best Practices for Central and Primary Site Hardware and Software Configuration

Best Practices for Operating System Deployment




If you follow the entire guide below you'll have Windows Vista SP1 installing using zero touch in SCCM 2007 sp1, this guide will do a Build and Capture of Vista, and the remaining Captured Vista image can be deployed using a separate Task Sequence.




how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1, Part 1.


This covers the following:-


Configuring MDT, PXE and SCCM to get them prepared for Vista Deployment via PXE boot..

Creating a New Collection in SCCM 2007

Creating a Package From Definition to deploy the SCCM 2007 client

Create and Update Distribution Points


how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1, part 2.


This covers the following:-


Adding 32 bit and 64 bit boot.wim files

Customise the background Logo

Create new Distribution Points and Update them for the boot.wim files


how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1, part 3.


This covers the following:-


Add New operating system image

Create Distribution Point for the Image

Add new Operating System Install Package

Drivers and Driver packages


how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1, part 4.


This covers the following:-


Create new Task Sequence

Advertising the Task Sequence to a collection


how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1, part 5.


This covers the following:-


Importing a MDT Task Sequence

MDT Package

sysprep Package

Add Build and Capture Computer

PXE boot the client computer now to test the OSD build.


how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1, part 6.


This covers the following:-


Add captured image to SCCM

Create a collection

Advertise the Deployment Task Sequence

Create Computer Association



This guide is copyright www.windows-noob.com © 2009.

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