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Advertised Program is still waiting

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Hi all first time to post on here and new to sccm


I have set up software distribution and now wish to run an advertised program and the report shows it is waiting, but when i go to the computer I am trying to get the program to install on the exec mgr.log is showing me that:



CoCreateInstance ContentAccessService failed 0x80040154 execmgr 19/03/2012 3:36:14 PM 5744 (0x1670)

CExecutionManager::Execution Manager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT START Event execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:26 AM 196 (0x00C4)

CExecutionManager::Execution Manager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT END Event execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:26 AM 3832 (0x0EF8)

CExecutionRequestManager::Received a Service Window Notification that it need not handle. execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:27 AM 3832 (0x0EF8)

CExecutionRequestManager::Received a Service Window Start Notification. execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:27 AM 196 (0x00C4)

CExecutionRequestManager::Program VNC with Advertisement CDS20001 is waiting on a Service Window. Checking if it can now run. execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:27 AM 196 (0x00C4)

CExecutionRequest::The program cannot run because of a Service Window restriction. execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:31 AM 196 (0x00C4)

CExecutionRequest::The Program will run at some point in the future, when a Service Window becomes available. execmgr 20/03/2012 8:04:31 AM 196 (0x00C4)


any help with this would be appreciated thanks.

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There is a Maintenance Window configured and that is what your Advertisement is waiting. So either change/ remove the Maintenance Window, or allow the Program to run and ignore the Maintenance Window, or just wait until the Maintenance Window.

Thanks I allowed the program to ignore the Maintenance Window that worked thank you for your help.

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