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SCCM 2007 SP2 OSD not working

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We have a SCCM 2007 SP2 R3 mixed enviroment. I'm trying to start OS Deploy with SCCM.

Until yet, we used WDS to deploy our OS.


Everythin works fine until the task sequence should start.

The computer boots with PXE, applying computer settings, network settings, i enabled F8 Support, i get an IP Adress and i can also map a network drive.

I made the task sequence not mandatory, so i see the following steps: i have the task sequence, but when i try to start i get the following error: Failed to read the network access account from machine policy.

I found several solutions for this error, but none of them worked for me. In the smsts.log i have the error; fount empty networkaccessusername... Network Access Account is not set.

I can distribute software packages..does this not use the network access account?

The account is set under computer client agents. i made a site reset, i recreated all my os packages, i recreated the certificate..the last solution i not tried was to backup my sccm server and reinstall it (http://support.micro....com/kb/2509330)

Is this the only solution for this problem?


Thanks in advance for your help! And sorry for my bad english ;-)

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